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Your probablly sick of me already


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So yesterday i asked if there was a gym script anywhere and was redirected to a nice little script by Nyna...

after putting it on my site i realised that the gain in stats for this gym was nearly five times as much as it was before...

the code currently looks like this...


require "global_func.php";
if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; }
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error());
$lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']);
global $db, $h, $ir, $userid;

if($ir['userid'] != 1)
die("Apologies, but the gym is currently closed.");

if($ir['verify'] < 1)
print "<head><meta http-equiv='REFRESH' content='0;url=captcha.php?url=gym'></head>";

if ($ir['hospital']) 
echo "

You cannot access the gym whilst in hospital</p>";

$prefs   = isset($_SESSION['gymprefs']) ? $_SESSION['gymprefs'] : array('what' => "all", 'expend' => "100%");
$what    = $prefs['what'];
$expend  = $prefs['expend'];
$message = false;
$sql     = sprintf("SELECT us.strength, us.agility, us.guard, us.labour, u.energy, u.will, u.jail FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON (u.userid = us.userid) WHERE (u.userid = %u)", $userid);
$row     = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql));
$formID  = preg_replace("`^([0-9A-F]{8})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{12})$`ms", "{\\1-\\2-\\3-\\4-\\5}", strtoupper(md5(serialize(array(session_id(), "Gym", null)))));

if (isset($_POST['formID']) && is_string($_POST['formID']) && ($_POST['formID'] === $formID))
$what    = isset($_POST['what']) && is_string($_POST['what']) && preg_match("`^((all)|(strength)|(agility)|(guard)|(labour))$`ims", $_POST['what']) ? strtolower($_POST['what']) : $what;
$expend  = isset($_POST['expend']) && is_string($_POST['expend']) && preg_match("`^((100%)|(75%)|(50%)|(25%)|(value))$`ims", $_POST['expend']) ? strtolower($_POST['expend']) : $expend;
$value   = isset($_POST['value']) && is_string($_POST['value']) && preg_match("`^\d+$`ims", $_POST['value']) ? @intval($_POST['value']) : 0;
$sql     = sprintf("SELECT energy, will FROM users WHERE (userid = %u)", $userid);
$rs      = mysql_query($sql);	
$info    = mysql_fetch_array($rs);
$energy  = $row['energy'];
$will    = $row['will'];

switch ($expend)
case "100%":	        $value = $row['energy'];	break;
case "75%":		$value = $row['energy'] * 0.75;	break;
case "50%":		$value = $row['energy'] * 0.50;	break;
case "25%":		$value = $row['energy'] * 0.25;	break;
default:			                        break;

$value = floor($value);

if ($value > $row['energy'])
$message = "<span style='color:#C00;'>You don't have enough energy</span>";
$prefs = array('what' => $what, 'expend' => $expend);
$gain  = 0;
$will  = $row['will'];

for ($i = 0; $i < $value; $i++)
$gain += (mt_rand(1, 3) / mt_rand(500, 900) * mt_rand(500, 900) * (($will + 20) / 150));
$will  = max(0, $will - mt_rand(1, 3));

if ($row['jail'])
$gain *= 0.5;

$row['will']    = floor($will);
$row['energy'] -= $value;

switch ($what)
case "all":
$message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in each of the main stats</span>", number_format($gain * 0.33, 0));
$row['strength'] += $gain * 0.33;
$row['agility']  += $gain * 0.33;
$row['guard']    += $gain * 0.33;
$row['labour']   += $gain * 0;

case "strength":
$message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in strength</span>", number_format($gain, 0));
$row['strength'] += $gain;

case "agility":
$message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in agility</span>", number_format($gain, 0));
$row['agility'] += $gain;

case "guard":
$message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in guard</span>", number_format($gain, 0));
$row['guard'] += $gain;

case "labour":
$message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in labour</span>", number_format($gain, 0));
$row['labour'] += $gain;

$sql1 = sprintf("UPDATE userstats SET strength = %.6f, agility = %.6f, guard = %.6f, labour = %.6f WHERE (userid = %u)", $row['strength'], $row['agility'], $row['guard'], $row['labour'], $userid);
$sql2 = sprintf("UPDATE users SET will = %u, energy = %d WHERE (userid = %u)", $row['will'], $row['energy'], $userid);


$_SESSION['gymprefs'] = $prefs;

echo sprintf("
<center><h3>%sGym</h3>", $ir['jail'] ? "Jail " : "");

if ($message)
echo sprintf("

%s</p><a href=crystaltemple.php>Don't forget to visit the crystal temple for quick energy refills</a>", $message);

echo "<form name='train' id='train' action='gym2.php' method='post' style='padding:0;margin:0;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='hidden' name='formID' value='%s' />", $formID);
echo "
<table class=sample1 width=90%><tr><td>

<table><tr><td><img src=images/gym1.jpg></td></tr></table>

</td><td><table class=sample>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th style='width:50%;'>Train</th>";
echo "<th style='width:50%;'>Expend</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td style='line-height:200%;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what0' value='all' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what0' style='cursor:pointer;'>All (33%% energy in each)</label>
", $what === "all" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['ranks']['total']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what1' value='strength' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what1' style='cursor:pointer;'>Strength (%s)</label>
", $what === "strength" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['strength']), number_format($row['ranks']['strength']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what2' value='agility' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what2' style='cursor:pointer;'>Agility (%s)</label>
", $what === "agility" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['agility']), number_format($row['ranks']['agility']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what3' value='guard' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what3' style='cursor:pointer;'>Guard (%s)</label>
", $what === "guard" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['guard']), number_format($row['ranks']['guard']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what4' value='labour' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what4' style='cursor:pointer;'>Labour (%s)</label>
", $what === "labour" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['labour']), number_format($row['ranks']['labour']));
echo "</td>";
echo "<td style='line-height:200%;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend0' value='100%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend0' style='cursor:pointer;'>100%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "100%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend1' value='75%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend1' style='cursor:pointer;'>75%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "75%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend2' value='50%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend2' style='cursor:pointer;'>50%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "50%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend3' value='25%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend3' style='cursor:pointer;'>25%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "25%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend4' value='value' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' onclick='document.train.value.focus();' /><label for='expend4' style='cursor:pointer;'><input type='text' id='value' name='value' value='{$row['energy']}' size='8' onfocus='this.select();' /> Energy</label>
", $expend === "value" ? "checked='checked' " : "");//(C)2008,Nyna

echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Train' style='width:100%' /></td></tr></table></form></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>";


<h3><center>Current Stats and Ranks</center></h3><table border=0 cellpadding=10><tr align=center>

[Ranked: {$ir['strank']}]</td>

[Ranked: {$ir['agirank']}]</td>

[Ranked: {$ir['guarank']}]</td>

[Ranked: {$ir['labrank']}]</td>

[Ranked: {$ir['IQrank']}]</td>

[Ranked: $tsrank]</td>





Now in short i would have thought that adding




so the code looks like this


for ($i = 0; $i < $value; $i++)
$gain += (mt_rand(1, 3) / mt_rand(500, 900) * mt_rand(500, 900) * (($will + 20) / 150));
$will  = max(0, $will - mt_rand(1, 3));
if ($row['jail'])
$gain *= 0.5;


would have fixed the problem, but for some reason it does not even effect it in the slightest...

i have also tried changing the $gain function inside the for loop, so that it says


$gain += (mt_rand(1, 3) / mt_rand(500, 900) * mt_rand(500, 900) * (($will + 20) / 150))*0.2;

and that doesn't work

does anyone have any idea what i am doing wrong.

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Re: Your probablly sick of me already

I found the problem...

and boy how stupid do i feel...


echo "<form name='train' id='train' action='gym2.php' method='post' style='padding:0;margin:0;'>";


I overwrote gym.php with the new file, and forget to change where it was submitting the data.

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