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This may be a shocker but...I'm getting an error on a cron file that came in one of the mods I regretfully bought from spotlightgaming. Heres the error I get when I run the cron manually...

QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND list='turnedonpc'' at line 1

Query was SELECT * FROM turnonpc WHERE userid= AND list='turnedonpc'

This is the query that is erroring...


$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM turnonpc WHERE userid=$userid AND list='turnedonpc'");

Re: Cron Error

Heres the whole cron file...



include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
if($_GET['code'] != $_CONFIG['code']) { die(""); }
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;
global $c;

$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM turnonpc WHERE userid=$userid AND list='turnedonpc'",$c);

die("You have already turned on your pc today you can only do this once a day!");
$db->query("INSERT INTO turnonpc values ($userid,'turnedonpc')");

if($ir['activexvirus'] > 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users set activexvirus=activexvirus-1 WHERE activexvirus>0",$c);

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8008,$userid,1,0)");
$db->query("UPDATE users set activexvirus=0 WHERE activexvirus>0");
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Active X Virus it's on your items.",$c);


if($ir['macrovirus'] > 1)
$db->query("UPDATE users set macrovirus=macrovirus-1 WHERE macrovirus>0");

$db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8007,$userid,1,0)");
$db->query("UPDATE users set macrovirus=0 WHERE macrovirus>0");
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Macro Virus it's on your items.",$c);


if($ir['bootvirus'] > 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users set bootvirus=bootvirus-1 WHERE bootvirus>0",$c);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8006,$userid,1,0)",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users set bootvirus=0 WHERE bootvirus>0",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Boot Virus it's on your items.",$c);


if($ir['tunnellingvirus'] > 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users set tunnellingvirus=tunnellingvirus-1 WHERE tunnellingvirus>0",$c);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8005,$userid,1,0)",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users set tunnellingvirus=0 WHERE tunnellingvirus>0",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Tunnelling Virus it's on your items.",$c);


if($ir['simplevirus'] > 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users set simplevirus=simplevirus-1 WHERE simplevirus>0",$c);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8003,$userid,1,0)",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users set simplevirus=0 WHERE simplevirus>0",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Simple virus it's on your items.",$c);


if($ir['polymorphicvirus'] > 1)
mysql_query("UPDATE users set polymorphicvirus=polymorphicvirus-1 WHERE polymorphicvirus>0",$c);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',8004,$userid,1,0)",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users set polymorphicvirus=0 WHERE polymorphicvirus>0",$c);
event_add($ir['userid'],"You have completed programing your Polymorphic virus it's on your items.",$c);


Re: Cron Error


I know slg mad eit..

but that isnt a cron :|

If it's supposed to be the one who made it is an complete idiot.

You cant have $userid, die(); and stuff like that on an automated file.

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