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1.Seems when someone wins a fight they get way to much exp just wanted to check wat should it be at


print "You beat {$r['username']} ";
$expperc=(int) ($expgain/$ir['exp_needed']*100);
print "and gained $expperc% EXP!

You hide your weapons and drop {$r['username']} off outside the hospital entrance. Feeling satisfied, you walk home.";



2.also my crons arent working fully voting table is not get wiped to let voters vote again and course days are not going down


$db->query("UPDATE users SET course=0 WHERE cdays=0");
$db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE votes;");


$db->query("UPDATE users SET fedjail=0 WHERE userid IN(".implode(",", $ids).")");
$db->query("DELETE FROM fedjail WHERE fed_days=0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET daysingang=daysingang+1 WHERE gang > 0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET daysold=daysold+1, boxes_opened=0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET mailban=mailban-1 WHERE mailban > 0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET donatordays=donatordays-1 WHERE donatordays > 0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET cdays=cdays-1 WHERE course > 0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET bankmoney=bankmoney+(bankmoney/50) where bankmoney>0");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET cybermoney=cybermoney+(cybermoney/100*7) where cybermoney>0");
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE cdays=0 AND course > 0");



Any help would be great :)


Re: Need Some Help

also i have a problem when i try to add items


QUERY ERROR: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Query was INSERT INTO items VALUES('',2,'Will Pot','Gives you full will ',0,0,0, '1', 'a:4:{s:4:\"stat\";s:4:\"will\";s:3:\"dir\";s:3:\"pos\";s:8:\"inc_type\";s:7:\"percent\";s:10:\"inc_amount\";i:100;}', '0', 'a:4:{s:4:\"stat\";s:6:\"energy\";s:3:\"dir\";s:3:\"pos\";s:8:\"inc_type\";s:6:\"figure\";s:10:\"inc_amount\";i:0;}', '0', 'a:4:{s:4:\"stat\";s:6:\"energy\";s:3:\"dir\";s:3:\"pos\";s:8:\"inc_type\";s:6:\"figure\";s:10:\"inc_amount\";i:0;}', 0, 0)

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