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jobpay.php problem

spellbyte ®

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I have recently come across a problem with the jobpay cron file, it seems to be paying out money and stats to users who dont even have a job

this is what i have at the moment

require "mysql.php";
global $c;
mysql_query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET u.money=u.money+jr.jrPAY,us.strength=us.strength+jr.jrSTRG,us.labour=us.labour+jr.jrLABOURG,us.IQ=us.IQ+jr.jrIQG,u.exp=u.exp+(jr.jrPAY/20) WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0",$c) or die("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET u.money=u.money+jr.jrPAY,us.strength=us.strength+jr.jrSTRG,us.labour=us.labour+jr.jrLABOURG,us.IQ=us.IQ+jr.jrIQG WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0


I can only assume that it is this that is causing the problem of stats raising randomly and also they seem to be decreasing randomly too, if anyone has any thoughts i would be greatly appreciative

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Re: jobpay.php problem

This is what i have. idk if its he same or not.... i dont have any problems with it.

require "mysql.php";
global $c;
mysql_query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET u.money=u.money+jr.jrPAY,us.strength=us.strength+jr.jrSTRG,us.labour=us.labour+jr.jrLABOURG,us.IQ=us.IQ+jr.jrIQG,u.exp=u.exp+(jr.jrPAY/20) WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0",$c) or die("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN jobs j ON j.jID=u.job LEFT JOIN jobranks jr ON u.jobrank=jr.jrID SET u.money=u.money+jr.jrPAY,us.strength=us.strength+jr.jrSTRG,us.labour=us.labour+jr.jrLABOURG,us.IQ=us.IQ+jr.jrIQG WHERE u.job > 0 AND u.jobrank > 0
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