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Alot of help needed


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I've got alot of little problems on my game and because im new to coding im a slow at fixing things so i thought i'd post a list of the problems here then anyone who as a spare 10 minutes to help can, im using mccodes v2.


Run from fights - NOT FIXED

Losing all exp for accident double clicking in fights - NOT FIXED

When attack loses they dont go to hospital - NOT FIXED

Attacking ppl who have no weapon - NOT FIXED

Deleting friends from contact list - NOT FIXED

Deleting posts/topic from forums - NOT FIXED

Cant accept surrenders - NOT FIXED


No run option while fighting, i know this is a mod not something broke but if someone could give me a run option that would be great.


When someone accidently double clicks while fighting they lose all their exp.


When someone attacks and the attacker loses they dont go to hospital.


When someone attacks another person who as no weapon at all, the person with the fists somehow hits 1000s causing the person with fists to 1 hit the attacker.


Contact list - When i try to remove people it says removed but doesnt acctually do anything, note thats the CONTACT list not the friends list.

function remove_friend()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid;
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM contactlist WHERE cl_ID={$_GET['f']} AND cl_ADDER=$userid");
if($db->num_rows($q) == 0)
die("Cannot remove a nonexistant entry.");
$db->query("DELETE FROM contactlist WHERE cl_ID={$_GET['f']} AND cl_ADDER =$userid");
print "Contact list entry removed!

[url='contactlist.php']> Back[/url]";


Cant delete posts in the forums - I use a in-game forum and everything seems ok apart from deleting posts doesnt work..

function delepost()
global $ir, $c, $userid, $h, $bbc, $db;
if($ir['user_level'] < 2)
$q3=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$_GET['post']}");
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$post['fp_topic_id']}");

$db->query("DELETE FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_id={$post['fp_id']}");
print "Post deleted...

stafflog_add("Deleted post ({$post['fp_subject']}) in {$topic['ft_name']}");

function deletopic()
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}");
$db->query("DELETE FROM forum_topics WHERE ft_id={$_GET['topic']}");
$db->query("DELETE FROM forum_posts WHERE fp_topic_id={$_GET['topic']}");
print "Deleting topic... Done
stafflog_add("Deleted topic {$topic['ft_name']}");



Accepting surrenders dont work -

function gang_staff_surrender()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$gangdata;
print "
Choose who to surrender to.

Gang: ";
$wq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warDECLARER={$ir['gang']} or warDECLARED={$ir['gang']}");

if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) { $w="You";$f="warDECLARED"; } else { $w="Them";$f="warDECLARER"; }
$d=date('F j, Y, g:i:s a',$r['warTIME']);
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
print "{$them['gangNAME']}";
print "


$_POST['war'] = abs((int) $_POST['war']);
$wq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangwars where warID={$_POST['war']}");
if($gangdata['gangID'] == $r['warDECLARER']) { $w="You";$f="warDECLARED"; } else { $w="Them";$f="warDECLARER"; }
$db->query("INSERT INTO surrenders VALUES('',{$_POST['war']},{$ir['gang']},".$r[$f].",'{$_POST['msg']}')");
$ggq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs WHERE gangID=".$r[$f]);
$event=str_replace("'","''","[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$ir[']{$gangdata['gangNAME']}[/url] have asked to surrender the war against [url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$them[']{$them['gangNAME']}[/url]");
$db->query("INSERT INTO gangevents VALUES('',{$ir['gang']},unix_timestamp(),'$event') , ('',".$r[$f].",unix_timestamp(),'$event')");
print "You have asked to surrender.";
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Re: Alot of help needed

I dont understand how they can be illegal, theyre scripts that come with the basics not add-ons. This forum is ment to be for helping people as far as i knew so i asked for help and i get acused of using illegal scripts :?

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Re: Alot of help needed


I dont understand how they can be illegal, theyre scripts that come with the basics not add-ons. This forum is ment to be for helping people as far as i knew so i asked for help and i get acused of using illegal scripts :?

So you're using illegal versions of the code, thanks for clarifying.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Alot of help needed


Illegal?..it's damn open source man...

Who cares?!

And hey, I doubt you'll get this done without paying someone

MC Codes v2 is not open source

$Bull$$ EYE$ what was the point in posting in a topic that hadn't been posted in since April 20, 2007

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