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i'm trying to change the send money to send crystals... i just went through and changed all the fields from money to crystals but for some reson i can't get it to go pas the invalid user defined bit at the strat. i didn't alter anyhting that had to do with calling the user id bit so i'm turning to you guys for some help...





require "global_func.php";
if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; }
require "header.php";
$h = new headers;
include "mysql.php";
global $c;
$is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error());
$lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']);

$_GET['ID'] = abs($_GET['ID']);
$_POST['crystals'] = abs($_POST['crystals']);
print "[b]Invalid User ID[/b]";
else if($_GET['ID'] == $userid)
print "[b]Haha, what does sending Gold Nuggets do for yourself anyway?[/b]";
if($_POST['crystals'] > $ir['crystals'])
print "[b]Die j00 abuser.[/b]";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals-{$_POST['crystals']} WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+{$_POST['crystals']} WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}",$c);
print "You sent \${$_POST['crystals']} to ID {$_GET['ID']}.";
event_add($_GET['ID'],"You received \${$_POST['crystals']} from {$ir['username']}.",$c);
$it=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['ID']}",$c) or die(mysql_error());

mysql_query("INSERT INTO nugxferlogs VALUES ('', $userid, {$_GET['ID']}, {$_POST['crystals']}, unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['lastip']}', '{$er['lastip']}', '')",$c);

print "[b] Transfer Gold Nuggets[/b]

 Sending Gold Nuggets
You are sending money to ID: [b]{$_GET['ID']}[/b].

[b]Amnt: [/b]

Latest 5 Transfers
Time User From User To Amount MULTI"; } else { $m=""; }
print "" . date("F j, Y, g:i:s a",$r['nxTIME']) . "{$r['sender']} [{$r['nxFROM']}] {$r['sent']} [{$r['nxTO']}]   \${$r['nxAMOUNT']} ";

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