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[FAQ] How do I retrieve the remote IP of a user

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Guest Anonymous

Detecting the remote IP address of a user is a common problem, one that seems to have no definitive answer.

Technically, there are many issues with the detection process, notably the fact the IP address can and do change for clients whenever they reboot their router.

Also, people use proxies which makes it very hard to detect "past" the proxy and obtain the real address.

This small suite of functions with the primary one being remote_ip() is one possible solution.

remote_ip() itself just returns a comma separated list of IPv4 addresses - including both IPs in the private and public range.



//  <string> remote_ip( )
//  Returns the IP address(s) of the remote user

function remote_ip( )
$keys = array

$list = array
	true  => array(),
	false => array(),

foreach ($keys as $key)
	if (isset($_SERVER[$key]) && is_string($_SERVER[$key]))
		foreach (explode(",", $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip)
			if (is_ipv4($ip = trim($ip)))
				$list[is_local_ipv4($ip)][] = $ip;

list($local, $remote) = array_values($list);

usort($remote, "ipcmp");
usort($local,  "ipcmp");

return implode(",", array_merge($remote, $local));

//  <boolean> is_ipv4( <string> $ip )
//  Returns TRUE if the passed string is an IPv4 address

function is_ipv4( $ip )
if (!preg_match("`^\d+(\.\d+){3}$`ims", $ip))
	return false;

foreach (explode(".", $ip) as $part)
	if ($part > 255)
		return false;

return true;

//  <boolean> is_local_ipv4( <string> $ip )
//  Returns TRUE if the passed IPv4 address is local (see RFC 1918)

function is_local_ipv4( $ip )
$table = array
	  167772160 => 4278190080,	// (127/8)
	 2130706432 => 4278190080,	// (10/8)
	 2886729728 => 4293918720,	// (172.16/12)
	 3232235520 => 4294901760,	// (196.168/16)

$net = iptolong($ip);

foreach ($table as $addr => $mask)
	if (($net & $mask) == $addr)
		return true;

return false;

//  <integer> iptolong( <string> $ip )
//  Replacement for the standard ip2long( ) function

function iptolong( $ip )
$parts = explode(".", $ip);

return $parts[0] > 127 ? ((ip2long($ip) & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000) : ip2long($ip);

//  <integer> ipcmp( <string> $a, <string> $b )
//  Like strcmp(), but for IP addresses

function ipcmp( $a, $b )
return iptolong($a) - iptolong($b);


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