BreakingLight Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Ok im not really sure where to begin.Ok my attack mug dosent give the EXP nor the money it says it does.Am i Over looking sumin? <?php /*----------------------------------------------------- -- Mono Country v1.0 BETA -- A product of DBS-entertainment -- Copyright held 2005 by Dabomstew -- INDEX.php -----------------------------------------------------*/ session_start(); require "global_func.php"; if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; } $userid=$_SESSION['userid']; require "header.php"; $h = new headers; $h->startheaders(); include "mysql.php"; global $c; include "clean.php"; $is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error()); $ir=mysql_fetch_array($is); check_level(); $fm=money_formatter($ir['money']); $cm=money_formatter($ir['crystals'],''); $lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']); $h->userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm,0); $h->menuarea(); $_GET['ID']=abs((int) $_GET['ID']); $_SESSION['attacking']=0; $od=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}",$c); if($_SESSION['attackwon'] != $_GET['ID']) { die ("Cheaters don't get anywhere."); } if(mysql_num_rows($od)) { $r=mysql_fetch_array($od); if($r['hp'] == 1) { print "What a cheater u are."; } else { $stole=(int) (rand($r['money']/500,$r['money']/20)); print "You beat {$r['username']} and stole \$$stole"; $qe=$r['level']*$r['level']*$r['level']*$r['level']; $expgain=rand($qe/6,$qe/3); $expperc=(int) ($expgain/$ir['exp_needed']*100); print " and gained $expperc% EXP!"; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET attackwon=attackwon+1,exp=exp+$expgain,money=money+$stole WHERE userid=$userid",$c); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET attacklost=attacklost+1,hp=1,money=money-$stole WHERE userid={$r['userid']}",$c); event_add($r['userid'],"[url='viewuser.php?u=$userid']{$ir['username']}[/url] attacked you and stole $stole.",$c); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=1,hospital=hospital+20+(rand()*20),hospreason='Attacked by {$ir['username']}' WHERE userid={$r['userid']}",$c) ; $atklog=mysql_escape_string($_SESSION['attacklog']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',$userid,{$_GET['ID']},'won',unix_timestamp(),$stole,'$atklog');",$c); $_SESSION['attackwon']=0; $warq=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gangwars WHERE (warDECLARER={$ir['gang']} AND warDECLARED={$r['gang']}) OR (warDECLARED={$ir['gang']} AND warDECLARER={$r['gang']})",$c); if (mysql_num_rows($warq) > 0) { $war=mysql_fetch_array($warq); mysql_query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT-1 WHERE gangID={$r['gang']}",$c); mysql_query("UPDATE gangs SET gangRESPECT=gangRESPECT+0 WHERE gangID={$ir['gang']}",$c); } } } else { print "You beat Mr. non-existant!"; } $h->endpage(); ?> Quote
CraigF Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Re: Attackmug.php it should be giving the amount of money they have / 500 so if they had 1k, it give you 2gp Quote
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