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Hi i attack people on bounty hunter and i dont get any money rewarded game money and the time does not go down too and if failed/succeeded statement. here's the code


include "globals.php";
print "<h2>Bountys</h2>";
case 'view':

case 'add':

case 'add2':

case 'remove':

case 'remove2':

case 'claim':

case 'end':

case 'reason':


function home()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
print "<center>
[[url='bounty.php?action=add'][b]Add a bounty[/b]][/url]

If you choose to take on a bounty, you have 1 hour to complete it. You must hospitalize the target, or else you wont receive the reward. Good luck.

<table width=80%>
<tr bgcolor=#DDDDDD>
<td class='h' align=center>Target</td>
<td class='h' align=center>Reward</td>
<td class='h' align=center>Action</td>
<td class='h' align=center>Reason</td>
$q=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bDONE=0 ORDER BY bID DESC",$c) or die(mysql_error());
$y=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$r['bWHO']}",$c) or die(mysql_error());
print "<tr class=\"d".($i & 1)."\">";
print "\n<td align=center><a href='viewuser.php?u={$r['bWHO']}'>     {$two['username']}   [{$r['bWHO']}]                                                                                                      
</a></td><td align=center>$money</td>";
if($r['bTAKEN'] == $userid)
print "<td align=center>[url='bounty.php?action=end&XID={$r[']<u><font color=brown>End</u></font>[/url]";
else if($r['bTAKEN'] > 0)
$uy=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$r['bTAKEN']}",$c) or die(mysql_error());
print "<td align=center>[i]<font color=purple>Taken by: [url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']<font color=purple><u>{$one['username']} [{$one['userid']}]</u> {$one['bounty']} min(s) left</font>[/url][/i]</font>";

else if($r['bTAKEN'] < 0)
$who= abs((int) $r['bTAKEN']);
$uy=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid=$who",$c) or die(mysql_error());
print "<td align=center>[i]<font color=blue>Finished by: [url='viewuser.php?u={$one[']<font color=blue><u>{$one['username']} [{$one['userid']}]</u></font>[/url][/i]</font>";
else if($r['bADDER'] == $userid)
print "<td align=center>[url='bounty.php?action=remove&XID={$r[']<u><font color=blue>Remove</u></font>[/url]";
else if($r['bTAKEN'] == 0)
print "<td align=center>[url='bounty.php?action=claim&XID={$r[']<u><font color=green>Claim</u></font>[/url]";
print "</td>"; 
print "<td align=center>None Given</td>"; 
print "<td align=center><a href=bounty.php?ID={$r['bID']}&action=reason>> View Reason</a></td>"; 
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
function add()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;

print "<center>[b]Please enter the ID # of the person you are wanting to place a bounty on?
You are only allowed to have 5 bountys at a time.
Minumim bounty is $50,000[/b]
If the person you want to put a bounty on already has a bounty on them, you must at least double the price in order to place it.

[b]<a href=http://knightsadventure.net/gamerules.php#bounty>Click here for the guidelines on bounty reasons!</a>[/b]
<form action=bounty.php?action=add2 method='post'>
User ID#: <input type='text' name='ID' />

Bounty: <input type='text' name='bounty' value='50000' />

Bounty Reason: <input type='text' name='reason' value='A short reason here' />

<input type='submit' value='Submit' /></form>";
function add2()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_POST['ID']= abs((int) $_POST['ID']);
$_POST['bounty']= abs((int) $_POST['bounty']);
if(!$_POST['ID'] || !$_POST['bounty'])
die("<center>You have to have both an user and bounty selected

[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
else if($_POST['ID'] == 1 || $_POST['ID'] == 2)
die("<center>You cant put a hit on Tyler or Logan
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");

$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_POST['ID']}");
if ($db->num_rows($q) == 0)
die("<center>This isnt a real users
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
$a=$db->query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bWHO={$_POST['ID']}");
if ($db->num_rows($a))
die("<center>This users already has a bounty on them.
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
$b=$db->query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bADDER=$userid AND bTAKEN >= 0");
if ($db->num_rows($b) > 5)
die("<center>You are only allowed to have 5 bountys at a time.
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
else if($_POST['ID'] == $userid)
die("<center>You cant place a bounty on yourself silly
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]");
else if($_POST['bounty'] > $ir['money'] || $_POST['bounty']  < 49999)
die( "<center>You do not have enough money to place this bounty or it isnt above $50,000.
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
if($r['duties'] == 'NPC')
die("<center>You cant place a bounty on an NPC.
[url='bounty.php?action=add']> Back[/url]");
print "<center>You have placed a bounty on {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]

[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO bountys VALUES('',$userid,{$_POST['bounty']},{$_POST['ID']},0,0,0,'$reason')",$c);
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money-{$_POST['bounty']} where userid=$userid",$c);
event_add($_POST['ID'],"Someone has put a bounty on you with the reason: $reason.",$c); 
event_add($_POST['ID'],"Someone has put a bounty on you",$c);
function remove()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_GET['XID']= abs((int) $_GET['XID']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bID={$_GET['XID']}") or die(mysql_error());
if($r['bADDER'] != $userid)
die("<center>You do not own this bounty
<a href='bounty.php>> Back</a>");
else if($r['bTAKEN'] != 0)
die("<center>Someone is currently doing this mission
<a href='bounty.php>> Back</a>");
print "<center>[b]Are you sure you wish to remove this bounty?

[url='bounty.php?action=remove2&XID={$_GET[']> Yes[/url]

[url='bounty.php']> No[/url]";
function remove2()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_GET['XID']= abs((int) $_GET['XID']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bID={$_GET['XID']}") or die(mysql_error());
if($r['bADDER'] != $userid)
die("<center>You do not own this bounty
<a href='bounty.php>> Back</a>");
else if($r['bTAKEN'] != 0)
die("<center>Someone is currently doing this mission
<a href='bounty.php>> Back</a>");
$db->query("DELETE FROM bountys WHERE bID={$_GET['XID']}");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+{$r['bMONEY']} WHERE userid=$userid");
print "<center>Bounty removed!

[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]";
print "<center>No bounty selected
[url='bounty']> Back[/url]";
function claim()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$_GET['XID']= abs((int) $_GET['XID']);
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM bountys WHERE bID={$_GET['XID']}") or die(mysql_error());
if($r['bTAKEN'] != 0)
die("<center>Someone already has this bounty
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]");
else if($ir['bounty'])
die("<center>You are already have a bounty you are doing
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]");
else if($r['bWHO'] == $userid)
die("<center>You cant accept the bounty on yourself silly
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]");
else if($r['bADDER'] == $userid)
die("<center>You cant claim the bounty you put silly
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]");
print "<center>You have accepted the bounty, you have one hour until it will put it back on the market, good luck.
[b]You must hospitlize the person in order to revice the bounty prize.[/b]
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]";
$db->query("UPDATE bountys SET bTAKEN=$userid WHERE bid={$_GET['XID']}") or die(mysql_error());
$db->query("UPDATE users SET bounty=60 WHERE userid=$userid") or die(mysql_error());
print "<center>No bounty selected
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]";
function end2()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$db->query("UPDATE bountys SET bTAKEN=0 WHERE bTAKEN=$userid") or die(mysql_error());
$db->query("UPDATE users SET bounty=0 WHERE userid=$userid") or die(mysql_error());
print "<center>You have ended this bounty.
[url='bounty.php']> Back[/url]";

function reason()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid,$h;
$ID= abs((int) $_GET['ID']); if(!$ID) { print "Error, go back.<a href=bounty.php>> Back</a>"; }
else { 
$q=$db->query("SELECT bREASON FROM bountys WHERE bID=$ID") or die(mysql_error()); 
print "[b]This Bountys Reason[/b]


<hr><a href=bounty.php>> Back</a><hr>"; 


Re: bounty hunter


Hi i attack people on bounty hunter and i dont get any money rewarded game money and the time does not go down too and if failed/succeeded statement. here's the code

Time would go down if u setup the crons for the bounty hunter script, as for no money rewarded, that's part of the crons also. I use v1 and don't use the bounty hunter mod so i'm not sure what the crons are and cba to search.

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