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I have successfully installed the Ruby Trader....so, I am trying to make my crimes give Rubys. I can enter the amount of rubys for succeeding at the crime, but whenever I push submit, it comes up with: QUERY ERROR: Unknown column 'crimeSUCCESSRUBY' in 'field list' Query was INSERT INTO crimes (crimeNAME, crimeBRAVE, crimePERCFORM, crimeSUCCESSMUNY, crimeSUCCESSCRYS, crimeSUCCESSRUBY, crimeSUCCESSITEM, crimeGROUP, crimeITEXT, crimeSTEXT, crimeFTEXT, crimeJTEXT, crimeJAILTIME, crimeJREASON, crimeXP) VALUES( 'test', '100', '((WILL*0.8)/2.5)+(LEVEL/4)', '1000000', 1000, 100, 0, '6', 'tetet', 'tetehh', 'khsjf', 'jhfsjf', 10, 'hfhf', 10)

Does this mean I have to add the Success Rubys bit to my database? But, what would the query be!? :(

EDIT: I have V2! :)


Re: New Crime....

But would would I put into the query?

EDIT: would it be something like this: ALTER TABLE `crimes` ADD `crimeSUCCESSRUBY` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

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