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mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $0.00


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More then 30 pages and 8000 words later.

We have setup an essential ebook that will help with this game script of ours. as well as more then 20 pages of ways to get back links, exposer, advertising and much more at $0.00 cost to you.

This book sells for 10.00

Free with any mafia game script purchase.


This book for its information on back links, exposer and advertising for $0.00 could easily sell for more then 100.00 with all its valuable information it has.


Questions feel free to ask.

Note: no where will you find all this information at this price all together in 1 place. We searched high and low and took into account our years of experience and put it into this book for you.


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  • 4 months later...

Re: mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $0.00

So shouldn't it be called "mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $10.00"


sorry couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

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  • 1 year later...

Re: mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $0.00


So shouldn't it be called "mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $10.00"


sorry couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

I know this is an old topic but I couldn't resist! I guess topmorpg for got to just add the fine print in the title" It is at $0.00 cost to you as you spend money and buy the mafia game script! "but we can just shorten that for the title pruposes and make it "at $0.00 cost to you as long as you spend money"

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Re: mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $0.00


So shouldn't it be called "mafia Game bible + Ultimate how to get traffic, backlinks, and exposer for $10.00"


sorry couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

I know this is an old topic but I couldn't resist! I guess topmorpg for got to just add the fine print in the title" It is at $0.00 cost to you as you spend money and buy the mafia game script! "but we can just shorten that for the title pruposes and make it "at $0.00 cost to you as long as you spend money"


correction if you would read the blog at game-script.net the book is freely available just by signing up to the blog.


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