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Righty, Hide n Seek isn't too hard and pretty self explanatory ;P

The first poster has to post a reply in 1 topic in 3 different subforums/categorys with a certain word e.g. Bananananananaphone

Rules :

The reply in each subforum/category has to be relevant to the topic.

The Certain Word must be at the bottom of the post.

You must post the Certain Word here before you start! The person who finds the word must reply with the link to it! :D


Go! My word is : Bananananananaphone


Re: Hide n Seek

Noone told me it was a 'test game' so i was not aware not i acknoledged it. And just to clarify, Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages, well those immature kids that i pity, posting stuff like Banananaphone i would consider every point mentioned in the SPAM part :)


Re: Hide n Seek

;\ wth. How does it Encourage spamming? If Im actually replying something useful to the topic ;\

The link to the "Selling my test game!!" was missing so I replied telling him that.

Also in the rules I made it quite clear the reply must be relevant to the topic itself with a little bit at the end with your word in it.. God ;| Only trying to liven it up a bit

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