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Three little mods.

Price For All: $10

Single Buy: $5

Installation Price: $5

Bug Fixing:Free Providing you show the license

Updates: Free if you are a holder of the license

As you see i value all the following mods at $5 each, however if you buy all the valuation will drop to aprox $3. So buy the whole pack :D

The First modification for sale is a Poll System. It will include Poll Surveys and Poll Control Systems. You will be able to create 100% customized polls with text/images or whatever you wish to add, in a matter of minutes. Fully Customize and format your polls, Redirect voters, Brand your poll, Create text polls, image polls or text and image polls. Create 3 Types of Polls: Single answer radio buttons, multiple answer check boxes and drop-down menus. Fully Customize and format your polls: Colors, fonts, sizes, borders, paragraphs. Also if any trouble occurs i will always be here to assist.

Calender Modification. This Modification will hold important dates, Birthdates and other Special Events. You yourself as an Admin can also add special dates and name them and write notes, maybe if you are going to add a feature that day or something like that...

The other modification i am offering is an upgraded users online mod. This will show what you are currently doing. So if you are on Crimes, the admin can see that etc... Pretty much like on this forum if you click users online.

Well i hope i recieve some cash :p All mods have been created by me... However some ideas are not original or have been used... Most have been inspired though :D



Re: Little Modification Pack


All buyers note:

The other modification i am offering is an upgraded users online mod. This will show what you are currently doing. So if you are on Crimes, the admin can see that etc... Pretty much like on this forum if you click users online.

This can be a very handy feature so you can keep an eye on your members and make sure there not potential hackers/cheaters. and snooping around your files. or trying to find certain files...


perhaps add a little feature thats logs each action on suspicious log perhaps..Say you have a file listing all the pages users are alowed to access and if a user enters a URL not on that list it logs the url, the name, and time done.....(just a thought.)


Re: Little Modification Pack

2 Modifications Sold

And 4 have been requested, feel free to request, if the others back out or i decide not to sell i will inform you of buying it :)

I am really happy, seems like my modifications are selling well :)

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