HITMAN 17 Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 hi wend i send an massmail to everyone it dosnt come up (1) any idea y i have seen a topic befor about this but i cant find it anyone care to help Quote
Klikoka Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 Re: annoucement error First Look In Main Menu And See If This Is At The Top $mc=$ir['new_mail']; Next Still In The Menu Look For if($mc > 0) { print "[url='mailbox.php']Mailbox ($mc)[/url] "; } else { print "[url='mailbox.php']Mailbox (0)[/url] "; } If Thats There Then It Should Be Working Quote
HITMAN 17 Posted February 11, 2008 Author Posted February 11, 2008 Re: massmail error its all there i think it to do with mass mail in staff panel Quote
Ghetto Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 Re: annoucement error Not necessarily, If the massmailer function doesn't have a mail add it cont update the users to have a new mail. Just add: $db->query("UPDATE users SET new_mail=new_mail+1 WHERE userid={$r['userid']}"); Into the mass mailer function. Quote
HITMAN 17 Posted February 11, 2008 Author Posted February 11, 2008 Re: Mass Mail error i dont think its there if not where abouts function massmailer() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid; if($_POST['text']) { $_POST['text']=nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['text'])); $subj="This is a mass mail from the administration"; if($_POST['cat']==1) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users "); else if($_POST['cat']==2) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level > 1"); else if($_POST['cat']==3) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=2"); else $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level={$_POST['level']}"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO mail VALUES('', 0, 0, {$r['userid']}, unix_timestamp(),'$subj','{$_POST['text']}')"); print "Mass mail sent to {$r['username']}. "; } print "Mass mail sending complete! [url='staff_special.php?action=massmailer']> Back[/url]"; } else { print "[b]Mass Mailer[/b] <form action='staff_special.php?action=massmailer' method='post'> Text: <textarea name='text' rows='7' cols='40'></textarea> <input type='radio' name='cat' value='1' /> Send to all members <input type='radio' name='cat' value='2' /> Send to staff only <input type='radio' name='cat' value='3' /> Send to admins only OR Send to user level: <input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member <input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin <input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary <input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant <input type='submit' value='Send' /></form>"; Quote
Ghetto Posted February 11, 2008 Posted February 11, 2008 Re: Mass Mail error Add it under: $db->query("INSERT INTO mail VALUES('', 0, 0, {$r['userid']}, unix_timestamp(),'$subj','{$_POST['text']}')"); print "Mass mail sent to {$r['username']}. "; Quote
HITMAN 17 Posted February 11, 2008 Author Posted February 11, 2008 Re: Mass Mail error Fixed guys if you ever get this error just replace staff_special.php with <?php include "sglobals.php"; if($ir['user_level'] > 2) { die("403"); } //This contains punishment stuffs switch($_GET['action']) { case 'editnews': newspaper_form(); break; case 'subnews': newspaper_submit(); break; case 'givedpform': give_dp_form(); break; case 'givedpsub': give_dp_submit(); break; case 'stafflist': staff_list(); break; case 'userlevel': userlevel(); break; case 'userlevelform': userlevelform(); break; case 'massmailer': massmailer(); break; default: print "Error: This script requires an action."; break; } function newspaper_form() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM papercontent LIMIT 1"); $news=$db->fetch_single($q); print "<h3>Editing Newspaper</h3><form action='staff_special.php?action=subnews' method='post'> <textarea rows='7' cols='35' name='newspaper'>$news</textarea> <input type='submit' value='Change' /></form>"; } function newspaper_submit() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; $news=$_POST['newspaper']; $db->query("UPDATE papercontent SET content='$news'"); print "Newspaper updated!"; stafflog_add("Updated game newspaper"); } function give_dp_form() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; print "<h3>Giving User DP</h3> The user will receive the benefits of one 30-day donator pack. <form action='staff_special.php?action=givedpsub' method='post'> User: ".user_dropdown($c,'user')." <input type='radio' name='type' value='1' /> Pack 1 (Standard) <input type='radio' name='type' value='2' /> Pack 2 (Crystals) <input type='radio' name='type' value='3' /> Pack 3 (IQ) <input type='radio' name='type' value='4' /> Pack 4 (5.00) <input type='radio' name='type' value='5' /> Pack 5 (10.00) <input type='submit' value='Give User DP' /></form>"; } function give_dp_submit() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; if($_POST['type']==1) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET u.money=u.money+5000,u.crystals=u.crystals+50, us.IQ=us.IQ+50,u.donatordays=u.donatordays+30 WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}"); $d=30; } else if($_POST['type']==2) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET u.crystals=u.crystals+100,u.donatordays=u.donatordays+30 WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}"); $d=30; } else if($_POST['type']==3) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET us.IQ=us.IQ+120,u.donatordays=u.donatordays+30 WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}"); $d=30; } else if($_POST['type']==4) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET u.money=u.money+15000,u.crystals=u.crystals+75, us.IQ=us.IQ+80,u.donatordays=u.donatordays+55 WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}"); $d=55; } else if($_POST['type']==5) { $db->query("UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid SET u.money=u.money+35000,u.crystals=u.crystals+160, us.IQ=us.IQ+180,u.donatordays=u.donatordays+115 WHERE u.userid={$_POST['user']}"); $d=115; } event_add($_POST['user'],"You were given one $d -day donator pack (Pack {$_POST['type']}) from the administration.",$c); print "User given a DP."; stafflog_add("Gave ID {$_POST['user']} a $d -day donator pack (Pack {$_POST['type']})"); } function staff_list() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; print "<h3>Staff Management</h3>"; print "[b]Admins[/b] <table width=80%><tr style='background:gray'> <th>User</th> <th>Online?</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>"; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=2 ORDER BY userid ASC"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "\n<tr> <td>[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>$on</td> <td>[url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=3&ID={$r[']Secretary[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=5&ID={$r[']Assistant[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=1&ID={$r[']Member[/url]</td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; print "[b]Secretaries[/b] <table width=80%><tr style='background:gray'> <th>User</th> <th>Online?</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>"; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=3 ORDER BY userid ASC"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "\n<tr> <td>[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>$on</td> <td>[url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=2&ID={$r[']Admin[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=5&ID={$r[']Assistant[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=1&ID={$r[']Member[/url]</td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; print "[b]Assistants[/b] <table width=80%><tr style='background:gray'> <th>User</th> <th>Online?</th> <th>Links</th> </tr>"; $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=5 ORDER BY userid ASC"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "\n<tr> <td>[url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]</td> <td>$on</td> <td>[url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=2&ID={$r[']Admin[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=3&ID={$r[']Secretary[/url] · [url='staff_special.php?action=userlevel&level=1&ID={$r[']Member[/url]</td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; } function userlevel() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; $_GET['level']=abs((int) $_GET['level']); $_GET['ID']=abs((int) $_GET['ID']); $db->query("UPDATE users SET user_level={$_GET['level']} WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}"); print "User's level adjusted."; stafflog_add("Adjusted user ID {$_GET['ID']}'s staff status."); } function userlevelform() { global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid; print "<h3>User Level Adjust</h3> <form action='staff_special.php' method='get'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='userlevel'> User: ".user_dropdown($c,'ID')." User Level: <input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member <input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin <input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary <input type='radio' name='level' value='4' /> IRC Op <input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant <input type='submit' value='Adjust' /></form>"; } function massmailer() { global $db,$ir,$c,$userid; if($_POST['text']) { $_POST['text']=nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['text'])); $subj="This is a mass mail from the administration"; if($_POST['cat']==1) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users "); else if($_POST['cat']==2) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level > 1"); else if($_POST['cat']==3) $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level=2"); else $q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_level={$_POST['level']}"); while($r=$db->fetch_row($q)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO mail VALUES('', 0, 0, {$r['userid']}, unix_timestamp(),'$subj','{$_POST['text']}')"); print "Mass mail sent to {$r['username']}. "; $db->query("UPDATE users SET new_mail=new_mail+1 WHERE userid={$r['userid']}"); } print "Mass mail sending complete! [url='staff_special.php?action=massmailer']> Back[/url]"; } else { print "[b]Mass Mailer[/b] <form action='staff_special.php?action=massmailer' method='post'> Text: <textarea name='text' rows='7' cols='40'></textarea> <input type='radio' name='cat' value='1' /> Send to all members <input type='radio' name='cat' value='2' /> Send to staff only <input type='radio' name='cat' value='3' /> Send to admins only OR Send to user level: <input type='radio' name='level' value='1' /> Member <input type='radio' name='level' value='2' /> Admin <input type='radio' name='level' value='3' /> Secretary <input type='radio' name='level' value='5' /> Assistant <input type='submit' value='Send' /></form>"; } } $h->endpage(); ?> THANKS GHETTO Quote
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