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Looking for a username change log database script

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Not sure if this is the right section for this.

I am currently having an issue with players changing their username and causing trouble in the shoutbox in my game and then changing it back. By the time I log into the db and try to trace it, they have already changed it back. I currently have the link disabled.

I am looking for a script that will log the changes in the database but easily accessible through the staff panel, much like the xfer logs. I would be willing to pay someone to have this done right. PM me so that we may discuss it.


Re: Looking for a username change log database script

Why dont you just make it so they have to pay to change there name?

Or heres a quick username log for you.




case 'stafflogs': view_staff_logs(); break;

Add after:

case 'usernamelogs': view_name_logs(); break;





Add befor:

function view_name_logs()
global $db,$ir,$c,$h,$userid;
if($ir['user_level'] != 2)
$_GET['st']=abs((int) $_GET['st']);
echo "<h3>Username Logs</h3>
<table width=100% cellspacing='0' border='1' class='table'><tr> <th>Userid</th> <th>Old Name</th> <th>New Name</th><th>Time</th> <th>IP</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT n.*, u.* FROM namelogs n LEFT JOIN users u ON n.user=u.userid ORDER BY n.time DESC LIMIT {$_GET['st']},$rpp");
echo "<tr><td>{$r['user']}</td> <td>{$r['oldname']}</td> <td>{$r['newname']}</td><td>".date('F j Y g:i:s a', $r['time'])."</td><td>{$r['ip']}</td></tr>";
echo "</table>
$q2=$db->query("SELECT id FROM namelogs");
echo "Pages: ";
echo "[url='staff_logs.php?action=usernamelogs&st=$st']$i[/url] ";
if($i % 7 == 0) { echo "
\n"; }


Open preferences.php


$_POST['newname']=str_replace(array("<", ">", "\\\'"), array("<", ">", "'"), $_POST['newname']);


Add befor

$db->query("INSERT INTO namelogs VALUES('',$userid,'{$ir['username']}','{$_POST['newname']}', unix_timestamp(), '{$ir['lastip']}')");



CREATE TABLE `namelogs` (
 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `user` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `oldname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `newname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `time` int(11) NOT NULL default '',
 `ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)


I have not tested this but it should work.


Re: Looking for a username change log database script

Thank you very much for the help, just a few things.

1. accorrding to your code, it looks like there is supposed to be a row in the namelogs called time, I was getting an error till I noticed and added one.

2. This one has me stumped, when I go to change my name I get this:

QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'MY OLD USER NAME,test, MY IP)' at line 1

Query was INSERT INTO namelogs VALUES('',1,MY OLD USER NAME,test, MY IP)

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