twist_killer Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 i just wanna add something like after all your end up in hospital for a random amount of time } if ($chance == 2) { print "Nothing here. "; } if ($chance == 3) { $gained=rand(20,90)*$ir['level']; print "You found a wallet full of cash on the side walk. You open it up and find [b]\$$gained[/b] was inside. "; mysql_query("update users set money=money+$gained where userid=$userid",$c); } if ($chance == 7) { print "You see a two people knocking the shit out a helpless man , pretending that you didn't notice you decide to keep walking. You don't want to be in his shoes anytime soon. "; } if ($chance == 4) { print "While exploring the streets you found some cash, but a thief comes quickly behind you and pulls out a knife. he asked you to give him the money but you refuse. He gets pissed so he knockes you unconconius and takes the money "; Quote
twist_killer Posted March 28, 2007 Author Posted March 28, 2007 Re: streets (help) plz people i need help Quote
UCC Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Re: streets (help) Sorry that's not something you can do with just a couple lines of code. You might catch someone who is bored or you might have to pay for services. I myself, dont even like to read code that has all that ASCII junk. :mrgreen: Quote
twist_killer Posted March 28, 2007 Author Posted March 28, 2007 Re: streets (help) can anyone else help me plz? Quote
kronow Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Re: streets (help) wtf is that... where you get that from? lmao :mrgreen: whats with # this # that Quote
ignite Posted March 29, 2007 Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) Why don't you just add a chance were you go to hospital ? Quote
twist_killer Posted March 29, 2007 Author Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) if woul'd show me how to..i'd so so Quote
ignite Posted March 29, 2007 Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) if ($chance == 13) { $hosptime=(int) rand(1,20); $loseruser = $ir['userid']; $reasonhosp = 'Got hit by a car while exploring the streets.'; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hosptime=$hosptime WHERE userid=$userid",$c); mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospreason='$reasonhosp' WHERE userid=$userid",$c); event_add($ir['userid'],"You walked across the street and a car was speeding. The car hit you HARD. You were sent to the Hospital",$c); die ("While you were walking across the street, you got hit by a car. Good news: You aren't dead Bad News:You have to stop exploring and go into Recovery "); Thats what i use (you will need to edit this to fit your code). Quote
twist_killer Posted March 29, 2007 Author Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) at the momment all the 100 steps go at u know how to make it 1 at a time? Quote
ignite Posted March 29, 2007 Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) Make sure the value on the submit button is 1 Quote
UCC Posted March 29, 2007 Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) Easily hackable. You'd want to make sure the value stayed 1 after they submit or give an error. Quote
twist_killer Posted March 29, 2007 Author Posted March 29, 2007 Re: streets (help) so to do 1 step at a time u place value 1? Quote
erus Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Re: streets (help) This is the one i altered for my site the steps have been boxed into a fieldset and the steps are taken one at a time also stopped it searching while in jail or hospital <?php include "globals.php"; if($ir['jail'] or $ir['hospital']) { die("This page cannot be accessed while in jail or hospital."); $h->endpage (); } print "<img src=/imgs/riot.gif> "; if ($_GET['action'] != 'scavenge') { $turns=$ir['turns']; print "<fieldset> <legend>Holy smokes!</legend> You should search for some serious shit dude. Maybe grab some money off the ground, or get some Experience... maybe even find a special item or two...? </fieldset> <fieldset>Start going! You have {$turns} turns left for today and will be topped up to 25 at 00:00 GMT.</fieldset> "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Get Searching'></form>"; } else { $steps=abs((int) $_POST['steps']); for($i=0;$i<$steps;$i++) { if ($ir['turns'] < 1) { print("You do NOT have enough turns to search the streets any more. Come back at Midnight GMT. "); }else { $chance = rand(1,15); $db->query("UPDATE users SET turns=turns-1 where userid=$userid",$c); if ($chance == 1) { $amnt=rand(20,120); if($ir['money'] > $amnt) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>As you scavenge the streets you see a hobo; he asks you for<font color=green> \$$amnt </font>and you tell him to piss off. Then he proceeds to smack the shit out of you. He takes the <font color=red>\$$amnt </font>anyway. </fieldset> "; $db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money- {$amnt } where userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $ir['money']-=$amnt; $h->endpage(); exit; } else { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>As you walk the streets you see a hobo, he asks you for \$1 you tell him to piss off he smacks you over the head and looks in your wallet. Finding it almost empty he just runs off with it. </fieldset> "; $db->query("UPDATE users SET money=0 where userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $ir['money']=0; $h->endpage(); exit; } } if ($chance == 2) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>As you are walking down the road you find <font color=Green>$20</font>. But a gust of wind blows it from your hand. </fieldset> "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 3) { $gained=rand(2,3)*$ir['level']; print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>You found a bag of cash on the side walk you open it up and find [b] <font color=green>\$$gained</font>[/b] was inside. </fieldset> "; $db->query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$gained where userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 7) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. You don't want to be in his shoes anytime soon. </fieldset> "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 4) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>While exploring the streets you found some cash, but a hobo came quickly behind you and whacked you over the head. You lurch in suprise and the hobo takes the cash and runs off. </fieldset>"; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 5) { $gain = rand(1,3); print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>While searching the streets you found <font color=green>[b]$gain[/b] Gold.</font> </fieldset>"; $db->query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+$gain where userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 6) { $gain = rand(2,5)*(floor($ir['level']/2)+1); print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>While searching the streets you found <font color=green>[b] \$$gain[/b]</font>. </fieldset> "; $db->query("update users set money=money+$gain where userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 8) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>Nothing here. Just a few drunk teenagers at the bus shelter. </fieldset> "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 9) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>You see a small item on the ground, and decide to pick it up... <font color=Green>(first aid kit)</font></fieldset>"; $itemidexplore = 2; $db->query("INSERT INTO inventory VALUES('',5,$userid,1)",$c); print" "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 10) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>Nothing here. Just a few drunk teenagers at the bus shelter. </fieldset> "; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 11) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>Nothing here. </fieldset>"; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 12) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>Nothing here. </fieldset>"; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 13) { $expcur=(($ir['exp']+$ir['exp_needed'])/100); $exp=(($expcur)*rand(1,10)); print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>You got in a scuffle with a tramp, and WON you gained <font color=Green>$exp EXP Points!!</font> </fieldset> "; $db->query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp+$exp WHERE userid=$userid",$c); print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 14) { print "<fieldset> <legend>[b] {$ir['turns'] }[/b]</legend>Nothing here. </fieldset>"; print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value='{$ir['turns']}'> <input type=submit value='Search Again'></form>"; $h->endpage(); exit; } if ($chance == 15) { $loseruser = $ir['userid']; event_add($ir['userid'],"You came accross a group of chavs on a street corner, they start hitting you until you fall to the floor.",$c); die ("You came accross a group of chavs on a street corner, <font color=red>they start hitting you until you fall to the floor.</font> <font color=Green>[b]Good news[/b]: You aren't dead </font><font color=red>[b]Bad News[/b]:You have to stop exploring and go into Recovery</font> "); $db->query("UPDATE users SET hospital='7' WHERE userid=$loseruser", $c); $db->query("UPDATE users SET hospreason='Head kicked in by a group of chavs' WHERE userid=$loseruser", $c); $h->endpage(); exit; } $ir['turns']--; } } $h->endpage (); if($ir['turns']==0) { print "<font color=Red>Sorry, all turns used. Please come back at 00.00 GMT!</font> "; } else { print " <form method=post action=street.php?action=scavenge><input type=hidden name=action value=scavenge><input type='text' name='steps' value=' {$ir['turns'] }'> <input type=submit value='Get Searching'></form>"; } } $h->endpage (); ?> '></form>"; } } $h->endpage (); ?> hope someone finds it useful just never got round to making it insert the items correctly Quote
Scylla Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 Re: streets (help) this is cool the way you set it up..... i plan to make use of it... thanks! Quote
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