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A player visits the whore house, spends money and uses energy to have sex with a prostitute wich restores a small ammount of will.



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Enjoy. :evil:

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Re: !!**Whore House Mod FREE**!!


Added A Gay And Lesbian Section"


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LMFAO.....Enjoy. :mrgreen:

Guest Anonymous

Re: !!**Whore House Mod FREE**!!

I think he meant of the whores :roll:

Dont make me call Tracy ..... :-D


Re: !!**Whore House Mod FREE**!!


Just a suggestion..use random factors or base the whores on your current levels..

Thanks for the suggestion, I just put this together cause I was bored and thought some people would get a good laugh out of it.

Peace. :mrgreen:


Re: !!**Whore House Mod FREE**!!

Hmmm Ive never offered nothing in the CE forums yet but heres a idea of what you could do.

Under $h->menuarea();

Add $chance=(int)(rand(1,100));


The make the following change to a given section I think youll get the idea.

if($_GET['spend'] == 'april')


if($ir['money'] <1000000)


die ("You don't have enough money to hire a April!");


else if($chance<50)


mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will+35,energy=0,money=money-1000000 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=maxwill WHERE will > maxwill",$c);

die ("<center>You payed a April \$1,000,000, took her to the back room and had your way with her.

You feel some of your will comming back to you.



if($chance>51 && $chance<100)

$asshead = $ir['userid'];

$reasonhosp = 'Got Aids';

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospital=hospital+60, money=money-1000000, HP=0 WHERE userid=$asshead",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospreason='$reasonhosp' WHERE userid=$asshead",$c);

event_add($ir['userid'],"You got aids",$c);

die ("<center>After you wake in the room you see a scab covered whore, and aids meds on her nightstand. Your a dumbfuck arent you?.



Just threw that up tested it once or twice use at your discreation as im sure theres better ways to do it.


Re: !!**Whore House Mod FREE**!!

yeah i know its a shame! i got most of them because server104 or someone like that did it to me because i didnt give them free mods!

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