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Regaining Energy While In Battle


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I am not sure if it is supposed to happen or not but my players tell me that when they are in a battle they re-gain energy, obviously due to the cron running. It is annoying quite a few of them and asked if I could fix it. Is there a way to keep a player from regaining energy while in a fight but re-gain like you normally would while not in a battle?

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Re: Regaining Energy While In Battle

He means the crons making them regain energy. As you did not specify which version of codes you have I will post the V1/LITE fix and hope you have one of the 2. If not then I will post V2 for you...

Here is the fix:

in braveupdate.php



$query3="UPDATE users SET hp=hp+(maxhp/3) WHERE hp<maxhp";




$query3="UPDATE users SET hp=hp+(maxhp/3) WHERE hp<maxhp AND attacking !=1";


I believe that'll produce the desired effect.

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Re: Regaining Energy While In Battle


He means the crons making them regain energy. As you did not specify which version of codes you have I will post the V1/LITE fix and hope you have one of the 2. If not then I will post V2 for you...


Sorry, I am using V2 and yes I am speaking of the crons

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