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Court Mod V1


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This is with reference to the Cronus Court Mod.

I now have this mod fully working with no bugs so if you can prove that you brought the mod legally I will give you the fix. (eg: A Paypal receipt)

If I know you from the forums and i'm sure that you have already paid for it then proof of payment will not be needed.

PM me if this applies to you.

PS Scammers and con merchants need not apply


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Re: Court Mod V1

ok this is an update on the Cronus Court System mod. I have received your pm's asking me to send you all a working copy of the mod and I thought it was all fixed but after testing it there is still one bug left to fix.

Sorry about the delay but I will be contacting all concerned when it has been debugged fully.

PS... This really was a crap mod to sell Cronus, should of debugged it first. :roll:

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Re: Court Mod V1


when can u send me the update lol i did message you lol


Sorry Jay Dog and all those concerned but there was some more unexpected bugs in the Court System Mod. 13 recently fixed plus about another 8 i fixed before my friend maiku helped me. It has been a real royal pain in the neck!!

I am delighted to say that it is now all finished thanks to a lot of help from Maiku.

We have virtually rewrote this very bad and buggy mod so will be contacting you soon.

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