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help getting MC codes lite v101 installed


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ive installed wampserver so that i can run this as a localhost

accessing http://localhost/installer.php

i run into this error

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\wamp\www\installer.php on line 66

INSTALLATION ERROR: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

ive changed mysql.php to:


$c = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '123');

mysql_select_db('lite2', $c);



i do not have a config.php file as other solutions to this problem on this board point to

please help me out


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Re: help getting MC codes lite v101 installed

ok using blank password got me as far as:

INSTALLATION ERROR: Unknown database 'game'

i've attached a screenshot of the sql manager that comes with wampserver

i create a new db game - its a generic default empty thing

i suppose i was wrong to assume that the install process was going to create the database?

and it is in C:/wamp/sqlitemanager/game

but i've got mccodes in C:/wamp/www/

if i copy it there i still get same error as above

im lost

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Re: help getting MC codes lite v101 installed


Do this MySQL query:

-u root -p password newpass


I tried this in the query window that the red arrow on first attached pic points to

syntax errors

and then edit config:



EDIT: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

if you read my first post you would notice i do not have a config.php file

so i don't know what other config i should insert that code into

the game db i created in SQliteManager does not appear on the side in http://localhost/phpmyadmin/


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Re: help getting MC codes lite v101 installed

ok sorry for the ignorance! i hadn't played around with that interface much

I managed to get phpmyadmin to create the database - for whatever reason (or possibly something i was doing wrong) it wasn't working late last night

so i've got that done and installed MCCodes lite

and get:

You need to install these crons into cPanel or whatever interface you have using the instructions in the Installation Manual.

*/5 * * * * curl http://localhost/cron_fivemins.php?code ... 35f1cf4b48

0 0 * * * curl http://localhost/cron_day.php?code=3060 ... 35f1cf4b48

the instructions DO say

If no cPanel and no linux with shell, you're a bit screwed and should consider changing servers)

since I'm doing this currently as a local project only - I don't have cPanel (and its not freely available)

can anyone tell me what i need to do then? ive done some googling but have not found any software that i think may be what i'm looking for.

thanks much!

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