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(v2 attack.php question)


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I have installed a function that defines if hp is under a certain value that it cancels an attack. (the knocked out code) But my question is how would this be coded properly?

$_GET['nextstep']=1 some statement here 
if($odata['hp'] <= ($odata['maxhp'])/3)
print "Wait till their hp is above one third of their max to bother to attack them 

[url='index.php']> Back[/url]";

What would that statement be so it could include this?

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Re: (v2 attack.php question)

I use this, not sure if it is plug and play into stock code or not. My attack file is highly modified. It looks pretty basic so it should work.


if(($odata['hp'] < ($odata['maxhp'] / 2)) && $_SESSION['attacking'] == 0)

print "You cannot attack a player until they have 1/2 their max health.

[url='index.php']> Back[/url]";




$db->query("UPDATE users SET attacking=0 WHERE userid=$userid");


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Re: (v2 attack.php question)

Thank you there was just one snag I fixed it though its

if(($odata['hp'] < ($odata['maxhp'] / 2)) && $_SESSION['attacking'] == 0)

print "You cannot attack a player until they have 1/2 their max health.

[url='index.php']> Back[/url]";




$db->query("UPDATE users SET attacking=0 WHERE userid=$userid");


I figured since you posted its probably a free mod but that will patch up the error message I got since


was already taken care of. Also it is what I wanted coded I just thought it would be a little different.

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