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I am looking for some relatively simple content writing; essentially made up of a number of levels of detail, for example:

1 Name: Personal Goals
 +-- 1.1 Name: Build a House
 |   1.1 Description: You need a place to store all your gear
 |       |
 |       +-- 1.1.1 Name: Build the foundations
 |       |   1.1.1 Description: Your house needs a good solid base to stand upon.
 |       |   1.1.1 Time: 4 minutes
 |       |
 |       +-- 1.1.2 Name: Build the walls
 |       |   1.1.2 Description: All good houses need 4 solid walls
 |       |   1.1.1 Time: 12 minutes
 |       |
 |       +-- 1.1.3 Name: Fit the Roof
 |           1.1.3 Description: Finally, fit the roof to keep your gear dry.
 |           1.1.1 Time: 20 minutes
 +-- 1.2 Name: Create the Garden
     1.2 Description: Having built your house, now you need a garden.
         +-- 1.2.1 Name: Remove the weeds
         |   1.2.1 Description: ...
         |   1.2.1 Time: 6 minutes
         +-- 1.2.2 Name: Double dig the ground
         |   1.2.2 Description: ...
         |   1.2.1 Time: 12 minutes
         +-- 1.2.3 Name: Dig in the manure
         |   1.2.3 Description: ...
         |   1.2.1 Time: 24 minutes
         +-- 1.2.4 Name: Plant the seeds
             1.2.4 Description: ...
             1.2.1 Time: 48 minutes


There are many more details to be filled out at each level, however I'm happy to fill those in myself for now.

I'm looking for 4 major top levels, with up to 4-12 second level entries per top level, with each second level having 3-5 low level components so there's potentially a decent bit of story-telling going on here.

Genre - I think for the moment, I will go with crime for simplicity, however if you have an idea with a decent amount of detail, I'm open to suggestion.

Think you are up for the job? Create a small sample and estimate how many complete entities you can provide along with an idea of price and drop me a line.

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