jharnisch Posted December 5, 2014 Posted December 5, 2014 Hello, I'm using NW-Engine and I am getting the following error: Error: Undefined property: stdClass::$name Error in /home/wildwest/public_html/modules/inventory/content.php Line 139 Error in /home/wildwest/public_html/libs/common.php Line 554 Error in /home/wildwest/public_html/index.php Line 328 I haven't edited any code so I can't figure out why I'm getting the error now <?php function sort_objects ($a, $b) { $v = strcmp($a->object_type, $b->object_type); if ($v != 0) return $v; return strcmp($a->name, $b->name); } // We are dropping items if (isset($_GET['drop'])) { $obj = Item::GetInventoryObject($_GET['drop']); // Somebody tried to play here! if ($obj == null) return; // There is more than one item, thefore we need to ask how many to drop. if ($obj->quantity + 0 > 1 && ! isset($_POST['confirm'])) { echo "<form method='post' name='dropItems'>"; TableHeader("How many to drop"); echo "<input type='text' name='confirm' value='{$obj->quantity}'>"; TableFooter(); ButtonArea(); SubmitButton("Drop", "dropItems"); LinkButton("Cancel", "index.php?p=inventory"); EndButtonArea(); return; } // Only one or we know how many. else { try { // User defined number if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) { Item::InventoryRemove($_GET['drop'], floatval($_POST['confirm'])); if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog")) StorePersonalLog(Translate("Dropped %d %s", intval($_POST['confirm']), $obj->name)); } // Drop them all else { if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog")) StorePersonalLog(Translate("Dropped %d %s", $obj->quantity, $obj->name)); Item::InventoryRemove($_GET['drop'], $obj->quantity); } ResultMessage("Item(s) dropped."); } catch (Exception $ex) { ErrorMessage($ex->getMessage()); } } } // Equip an item else if (isset($_GET['equip'])) { try { $obj = Item::GetInventoryObject($_GET['equip']); $oldObj = Item::Equip($_GET['equip'], $_GET['health']); if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog") && $oldObj != null) { StorePersonalLog(Translate("Unequipped %s", $oldObj->name)); } ResultMessage("Item equipped."); if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog")) StorePersonalLog(Translate("Equipped %s", $obj->name)); } catch (Exception $ex) { ErrorMessage($ex->getMessage()); } } // Un-Equip an item else if (isset($_GET['unequip'])) { try { Item::GetInventoryObject($_GET['unequip']); $obj = Item::UnEquip($_GET['unequip']); ResultMessage("Item removed."); if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog") && $obj != null) { StorePersonalLog(Translate("Unequipped %s", $obj->name)); } } catch (Exception $ex) { ErrorMessage($ex->getMessage()); } } // Use an item else if (isset($_GET['use'])) { global $object; $object = Item::GetInventoryObject($_GET['use'], $_GET['health']); if ($object == NULL) { ErrorMessage("You don't have this item."); } else if ($object->usage_label == NULL) { ErrorMessage("You cannot use this item."); } else { NWEval("global \$object;\r\n" . $object->usage_code); if (function_exists("StorePersonalLog")) StorePersonalLog(Translate("Used %s", $object->name)); } } echo "<table class='plainTable'>"; echo "<tr valign='top'><td width='50%'>"; // Shows the slots and current equipment on it TableHeader("Equipped"); echo "<table class='plainTable'>"; echo "<tr class='titleLine'>"; echo "<td width='1%'> </td><td width='1%'> </td>"; echo "<td>Slot</td><td>Item</td><td>State</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $row = 0; $objects = Item::AllEquiped(); foreach ($objects as $obj) { if ($row % 2 == 0) echo "<tr class='evenLine'>"; else echo "<tr class='oddLine'>"; // The slot is emtpy if ($obj->name == "") echo "<td> </td>"; // The slot contains something we should give the option to un-equip else { echo "<td>"; LinkButton("Un-Equip", "index.php?p=inventory&unequip=" . urlencode($obj->slot)); echo "</td>"; } echo "<td width='1%'>" . ($obj->image_file == NULL ? " " : "<img src='{$webBaseDir}modules/inventory/images/$obj->image_file'>") . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$obj->slot}</td>"; if ($obj->name == "") echo "<td> </td>"; else echo "<td>" . LinkItemDetails($obj->name, $obj->id) . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$obj->object_health}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $row ++; } echo "</table>"; TableFooter(); echo "</td><td>"; $typesToEquip = Item::ObjectTypesToEquip(); $objectType = ""; // Make the list of all the items in the inventory $objects = Item::AllInventory(); usort($objects, "sort_objects"); TableHeader("Inventory"); echo "<table class='plainTable' cellpadding='0'>"; $row = 0; $descLine = "<tr class='titleLine'>"; $descLine .= "<td width='1%'> </td>"; $descLine .= "<td width='1%'> </td>"; // Can items be dropped? if (GetConfigValue("itemsCanBeDropped") == "true") $descLine .= "<td width='1%'> </td>"; $descLine .= "<td width='1%'> </td>"; $descLine .= "<td>Name</td>"; $descLine .= "<td>Quantity</td>"; // Do items have an health? if (GetConfigValue("itemsHealth") == "true") $descLine .= "<td>Health</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $group_id = 0; $toContract=(count($objects) > 10); foreach ($objects as $obj) { if ($objectType != $obj->object_type) { if ($group_id != 0) echo "</table></td></tr>"; $objectType = $obj->object_type; echo "<tr class='titleLine'>"; echo "<td style='text-align: center; cursor: pointer;' onclick='InventoryGroupClick({$group_id});'>"; echo "<img id='iv_img_{$group_id}' src='$webBaseDir/images/plus.png' align='left'>"; echo Translate($objectType) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td id='iv_grp_{$group_id}'"; if($toContract) echo " style='visibility: hidden; display: none;'"; echo "><table class='plainTable'>"; echo $descLine; $group_id ++; } if ($row % 2 == 0) echo "<tr class='evenLine'>"; else echo "<tr class='oddLine'>"; // Is the object of any kind we can equip? if (isset($typesToEquip[$obj->object_type_id])) { echo "<td>"; LinkButton("Equip", "index.php?p=inventory&equip={$obj->id}&health={$obj->object_health}"); echo "</td>"; } // No then skip else echo "<td> </td>"; if ($obj->usage_label != NULL) { echo "<td>"; LinkButton($obj->usage_label, "index.php?p=inventory&use={$obj->id}&health={$obj->object_health}"); echo "</td>"; } else echo "<td> </td>"; // Is the game configured to allow dropping items? if (GetConfigValue("itemsCanBeDropped") == "true") { // Is it a quest item (therefore we cannot drop) if ($obj->quest_item == 'yes') echo "<td> </td>"; // Show the drop item link else { echo "<td>"; LinkButton("Drop", "index.php?p=inventory&drop={$obj->id}&health={$obj->object_health}", ($obj->quantity + 0 == 1 ? "return confirm(unescape('" . rawurlencode(Translate("Are you sure you want to drop this item?")) . "'));" : NULL)); echo "</td>"; } } echo "<td width='1%'>" . ($obj->image_file == NULL ? " " : "<img src='{$webBaseDir}modules/inventory/images/$obj->image_file'>") . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . LinkItemDetails($obj->name, $obj->id) . "</td>"; echo "<td>{$obj->quantity}</td>"; if (GetConfigValue("itemsHealth") == "true") echo "<td>{$obj->object_health}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</tr>"; $row ++; } if ($group_id != 0) echo "</table></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; TableFooter(); echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "<script src='{$webBaseDir}js/ajax_helper.js'></script>"; echo "<script>var minusImage='{$webBaseDir}/images/minus.png';\nvar plusImage='{$webBaseDir}/images/minus.png';\n</script>"; ?> <script> var oldIvGroup=-1; function InventoryGroupClick(grpId) { var c = getCookie("settings"); var data = new Object(); if (c != null) data = jsDeserializer(c); var ivGrp=""; if(data['iv_grp'] != undefined && data['iv_grp'] != null) ivGrp=data['iv_grp']; ivGrp=pad(""+ivGrp,grpId+1, '0'); var div=null; div=document.getElementById('iv_grp_'+grpId); if(div.style.visibility=='visible') { div.style.visibility='hidden'; div.style.display='none'; document.getElementById('iv_img_'+grpId).src=plusImage; data['iv_grp'] = replaceAt(ivGrp,grpId,'0'); } else { div.style.visibility='visible'; div.style.display='block'; document.getElementById('iv_img_'+grpId).src=minusImage; data['iv_grp'] = replaceAt(ivGrp, grpId,'1'); } setCookie("settings", jsSerializer(data), 30); } function InitIvGroup() { var c = getCookie("settings"); var data = new Object(); if (c == null) return; data = jsDeserializer(c); if(data['iv_grp'] != undefined && data['iv_grp'] != null) { ivGrp=data['iv_grp']; for(var i=0;i < ivGrp.length;i++) { if(ivGrp.charAt(i) == '1') { div=document.getElementById('iv_grp_'+i); if(div != null) { div.style.visibility='visible'; div.style.display='block'; document.getElementById('iv_img_'+i).src=minusImage; } } } } } InitIvGroup(); </script> Thanks for any help in advance. Jeff Quote
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