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Optimising Brave Update


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I am told by my server that this script is using to mahy resources. Is there any way i can optimise it and if so how do i go about this?

include "mysql.php";
global $c;
//brave update
$q1=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as users FROM users",$c);
print "Found $rows users to process.";
$query="UPDATE users SET brave=brave+((maxbrave/10)+0.5) WHERE brave$query2="UPDATE users SET brave=maxbrave WHERE brave>maxbrave";
$query3="UPDATE users SET hp=hp+(maxhp/3) WHERE hp$query4="UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp>maxhp";
mysql_query($query,$c) or die("\nError Executing Query 1 for updating users $i to $next\n$query\n".mysql_error()."\nError Code:".mysql_errno());
mysql_query($query2,$c) or die("\nError Executing Query 2 for updating users $i to $next\n$query2\n".mysql_error()."\nError Code:".mysql_errno());
mysql_query($query3,$c) or die("\nError Executing Query 3 for updating users $i to $next\n$query3\n".mysql_error()."\nError Code:".mysql_errno());
mysql_query($query4,$c) or die("\nError Executing Query 4 for updating users $i to $next\n$query4\n".mysql_error()."\nError Code:".mysql_errno());
print "\nUsers $i to $next updated successfully.";
print "\nDone.";



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Re: Optimising Brave Update


Take out all the useless shit lines that dabs added may help.


include "mysql.php";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave=brave+((maxbrave/10)+0.5) WHERE brave<maxbrave ");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave=maxbrave WHERE brave>maxbrave");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=hp+(maxhp/3) WHERE hp<maxhp");
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp>maxhp");


Other than that, You really cant do much else without making the updates run on timestamps and remove crons i believe.

Or try and do this;

include "mysql.php";
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET brave=brave+((maxbrave/10)+0.5) WHERE brave<maxbrave;UPDATE users SET brave=maxbrave WHERE brave>maxbrave;UPDATE users SET hp=hp+(maxhp/3) WHERE hp<maxhp;UPDATE users SET hp=maxhp WHERE hp>maxhp");

But be sure your Mysql delimiter is ;

This can be checked by typeing the following into your mysql command prompt:


The result:

mysql> \s
c:/***/mysql.exe  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.37, for Win32 (ia32)

Connection id:          3384
Current database:
Current user:           admin@****
SSL:                    Not in use
Using delimiter:        ; 
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