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Admin.php Modification - Why Isn't It Working???


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I Modified Admin.php So I Could Kill ( Set A Users HP To 0 ) Someone In Admin Panel Instantly, This Is What I Did:


I Added This To Admin.php

case 'modkill': modkill(); break;
case 'modkillsub': modkillsub(); break;


Then Added This To Admin.php



And Added This To Admin.php

function modkill()
print "Modkill

ID Of The User To Be Modkilled:

function modkillsub()
global $ir,$c,$userid;
mysql_query("UPDATE users WHERE userid={$_POST['id']} SET hp=0",$c);
print "Mod Killed!!


It Partly Works, I Can Get Onto The Modkill Screen, And I Can Put Someones User ID Into The Box And It Will Say Modkilled!!, But It Dosent Put There HP Down To 0, What Have I Done Wrong



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Re: Admin.php Modification - Why Isn't It Working???

This is one of the things I dont like about the query system V1.1 uses. It does not give you proper error messages the way v2.0 does. Anyway, your problem is this

mysql_query("UPDATE users WHERE userid={$_POST['id']} SET hp=0",$c);

Should Be

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=0 WHERE userid={$_POST['id']}",$c);

There may or may not be other issues but that is a major one I saw pretty easy

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Re: Admin.php Modification - Why Isn't It Working???

thanks very much +1, im not that good at Sql, i copyed query in admin.php and tryed to edit it, thanks!

could you help me with this problem:


i added this to header.php:

if($ir['hp'] == 0)


header("Location: dead.php");



because you could not 'Die' earlier, but when someone who is dead ( hp is 0) logs on it says:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/imgame/public_html/header.php:1) in /home/imgame/public_html/header.php on line 80


please help

and again, thanks for the sql :-)

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Re: Admin.php Modification - Why Isn't It Working???

That is a tough one. You cannot just use the header function wherever you want. It would have to be the very first output in the code so it can be tricky, especially without getting rid of the Login.php redirect for logged off players. I haven't messed with this much but you might try something like this instead. Not sure if it will work for you, but I know Oxi was using it in his failed Minesweeper attempt

<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=dead.php'>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Admin.php Modification - Why Isn't It Working???


I Modified Admin.php So I Could Kill ( Set A Users HP To 0 ) Someone In Admin Panel Instantly, This Is What I Did:


I Added This To Admin.php

case 'modkill': modkill(); break;
case 'modkillsub': modkillsub(); break;


Then Added This To Admin.php



And Added This To Admin.php

function modkill()
print "<h3>Modkill</h3>

ID Of The User To Be Modkilled:<form action='admin.php?action=modkillsub' method='post'>
<input type='text' value='0' name='id'>

<input type='submit' value='Modkill'>
function modkillsub()
global $ir,$c,$userid;
mysql_query("UPDATE users WHERE userid={$_POST['id']} SET hp=0",$c);
print "Mod Killed!!


It Partly Works, I Can Get Onto The Modkill Screen, And I Can Put Someones User ID Into The Box And It Will Say Modkilled!!, But It Dosent Put There HP Down To 0, What Have I Done Wrong



And you have


function modkillsub()
global $ir,$c,$userid;
mysql_query("UPDATE users WHERE userid={$_POST['id']} SET hp=0",$c);
print "Mod Killed!!


dont even need that just put


function modkillsub()
global $ir,$c,$userid;
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=0 WHERE userid={$_POST['id']}",$c);
print "Mod Killed!!
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