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PHPASS Hashing


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Hey guys, basically trying to use PHPASS for hashing passwords.

I got a issue with my login page where I have this code when it comes to authentication


if( $page_mode == 'Login' )
require "globe.php"; //db connect
   $username = htmlentities($_POST['username']);
   $username = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $username);
   $password =mysqli_real_escape_string ($mysqli, $_POST['password']);
   $query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Username = '$username'");
   $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
   $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($query);
   $dbuser = $row['Username'];
   $dbpass = $row['Password'];
   $hash_cost_log2 = 8;
   // Do we require the hashes to be portable to older systems (less secure)?
   $hash_portable = FALSE;
   $hasher = new PasswordHash($hash_cost_log2, $hash_portable);
   $hash = $hasher->HashPassword($password);

       if( ($username == '') || ($password == '') ) {
           $error_string .= '<font color=red>You have left either the username or password field blank!</font>';
       else if ($numrows == 1)
if ($hasher->CheckPassword($dbpass, $hash)) 
	$error_string .=  'Authentication succeeded';
	echo $password;
	echo "<br />";
	echo $hash;
	echo "<Br />";
	echo $dbpass;

} else {
	$error_string .=   'Authentication failed';
	echo $password;
	echo "<br />";
	echo $hash;
	echo "<Br />";
	echo $dbpass;


               $error_string .= '<font color=red>No username can be found! (2)</font>';



Ive tried debugging it but can only see that both the dbpassword and the user entered password won't match.

For example....

When i typed in the CORRECT password

i get

the user entered password after hashed: $P$BsFbIyt3TqmiENpkiiFmanysGL3sqy/

and the database password which is correct: $P$BeVDgwR8j3fCeB2AiziyqsXJHNHdJt.

Its driving me mad :(

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Remember one thing with Bcrypt (Which PHPASS uses), is that no 2 passwords are alike. They are always generated differently. But PHPASS->CheckPassword can tell if they are the same.

Take for example this code:



$hasher = new Hashing(15, FALSE);

$uniqID = '502e8110d592e';
$password = 'developing';

$hashed = $hasher->HashPassword($uniqID.$password);

echo '======================================================================='.PHP_EOL;
echo 'Hashed: '.$hashed.PHP_EOL;
echo '======================================================================='.PHP_EOL;



While you can see, the unique ID and password are not changing. But run that multiple times:

Attempt 1:


Hashed: $2a$15$Vc35dR.ejQOC080v0HaUyuma0jGCfGNKRs17AWL/kU2nTz538qHE2


Attempt 2:


Hashed: $2a$15$szabVlm5dzooEuqbubNcG.eqsIml6KT.1uUnXlo1rCo21LRJC5NA6


Attempt 3:


Hashed: $2a$15$Ea1uOA3eMyUX8/jx4ZLro.GK3hjwjhgpxpFvk7ta/v3U0yUoKvTjO




As you can see, all 3 are different. But, when validating that password against the password "developing" using the same method (just reversed for the unique id), it is always different, but will always verify.

Now, I do not know if you have a funny password that "MRES (mysqli_real_escape_string)" is breaking, or a simple one where your code is failing.

Edited by HauntedDawg
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