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Looking for as many partners as possible.


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Title: SurvivorZ

Game abstract: "SurvivorZ" is a post-apocalyptic, Zombie themed, multi-player, text and static image survival RPG. The players compete with each other and are ranked on a scoreboard by player and, where applicable, by clan. You'll be able to build barricades, arm and level up survivors, kill zombies and eventually kill other players.

Some of the Unique features: The scoring system is suited to the genre and almost completely mitigates the usual unbalancing issues that browser games often suffer from. With this scoring system you are rewarded for how frequently you play and you can easily attain and retain the top spot indefinitely if you try but staying there wont be easy.

Technology used: PHP, MySQL, Python, CSS, Javascript/AJAX. There are no third party scripts and I've written the entire thing myself from scratch. I've created a Java "web-wrapper" so the game can be played on Android devices and could be downloaded via the app store, I've not done an iPhone version because I don't own one and don't own a Mac either. I've got an Ubuntu VPS with full SSH access at my disposal, I own the domain names and I've also done Facebook integration on a previous project and might end up plugging this game in eventually. I don't like the cut they take from micro-payments though.

Current development status: I released a private alpha test some months back to a few select people and it went fairly well, some of the people that tested the game got hooked and put in a lot of hours with two players competing for the top spot putting in about six hours a day. I've designed the game mechanics to be addictive to certain types of people, some people will get bored quickly and quit but others will be hoovering up as much of the game as they possibly can. The game is currently in a playable state but it is nowhere near complete, I recently had several incidents occur in real life (non-game related) that prevented me from developing. Now I'm coming back to it and I'm not really interested in doing it alone any more.

My own skills and tasks in the game: I'm a professional C coder but I also use all the languages in use on this project on a daily basis. So far I've done everything myself so I suppose my tasks can be summed up as "everything".

What I/we are looking for: I'm looking to build up a real development team, it would be nice to find people who know the languages in use but that's not essential. When I initially designed the game I made it too extensible and a lot of what I originally envisaged being an amazing and expanding feature turned in to clutter for the sake of content. I'm looking for people who want to work on redesigning this game and creating a game that we can be proud of, it's going to be thought out again from start to end with the main focus being simplicity. I'm not looking for people to come on board with an infinite amount of suggestions on things that need to be added and/or changed too much, I need people who will understand that I would rather the game be simple, addictive to a smaller audience and finished than in the state it is now and expanding every time I sit down to write something... If I wanted an infinite number of ideas I only have to reach inside my head and see what I pull out!

Expenses will be covered by: Me, I'm covering all hosting costs and my own expenses but am not willing to give money out to anyone else at this stage.

Current team: Basically, me.

Share / gain of the partners: When/if the project becomes profitable I will be willing to negotiate profit share with anyone who is actively involved and making a visible contribution to the project.

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Hi again,

Thanks for the interest and the PM's, but most of all thanks for this :


You sound pretty clever, why exactly do you need a partner, or multiple partners?

I've been thinking about this since you posted and the only reason I can come up with is that I'm not satisfied with the game as it is and I want other people on board to help me improve and redesign it. However, I didn't stop thinking at that point and have now convinced myself that the reason I'm not satisfied with the game is because it's nowhere near ready to be released... This was a private and highly restrictive alpha test, for the most part it went well and now I know what I need to do to revise the game to get it in to a position where I can present it as an open alpha. No-one I know that I'm close to is interested in developing this with me and solo developing is a lonely and thankless process but that's not reason enough to take on partners when I already know what needs to be done to take it to the next level.

I shall return at a later date looking for partners but will have defined roles for the people that I need, I'm going to then lead the project to a beta phase and get it out in the wild via the Android app store, Facebook and normal web access. I've jumped the gun coming here and asking for help!

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Hi again,

Thanks for the interest and the PM's, but most of all thanks for this :


I've been thinking about this since you posted and the only reason I can come up with is that I'm not satisfied with the game as it is and I want other people on board to help me improve and redesign it. However, I didn't stop thinking at that point and have now convinced myself that the reason I'm not satisfied with the game is because it's nowhere near ready to be released... This was a private and highly restrictive alpha test, for the most part it went well and now I know what I need to do to revise the game to get it in to a position where I can present it as an open alpha. No-one I know that I'm close to is interested in developing this with me and solo developing is a lonely and thankless process but that's not reason enough to take on partners when I already know what needs to be done to take it to the next level.

I shall return at a later date looking for partners but will have defined roles for the people that I need, I'm going to then lead the project to a beta phase and get it out in the wild via the Android app store, Facebook and normal web access. I've jumped the gun coming here and asking for help!

Well, I'm glad I could help I suppose. Hope the game goes wel, I would be interested in seeing it afterwards...

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