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DJ Rankin

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Re: TIPS!!!!

Just think.

'What would attract me to play my game?'

You need money for a start if you want to go anywhere fast. Advertise, give stuff away, two huge player bringers.

Use free advertising to its up most protencial.

Make sure you have someone that can code, make you game look like a lot of effort has been put into it, it tends to make players think its going to be there for a while, instead of something used for a quicker buck or learning purposes.

Make it look professional so you get more donators to spend of advertising.

Keep players active and make sure they have fun, add updates/sort bugs. listen to them, be a good game owner, this means your players will get there friends to play... word of mouth is the best kinda advertising.

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Re: TIPS!!!!

1. learn how to code first

2. get to know people.

3. look fro deals and reference places and places to buy mods from if you cant code them yourself.

and if you mking a game all games must be unique to how the owner likes it no one will play a boring game with nothing on it and noone will play if its just got copied ideas from other games

and you must include stuff that attract players

and you must find ways that would incourage players to donate and purswade to them that it is worth it.

in my opinion those listed above are te key to a great and successfull game and i might not be the best on advice so look over all the things posted on this topic and try and workout the best way to go.

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