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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php


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8/10 I Edit Something In A File This Comes Up:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php on line 929

This Above Was When I Added:

function closepage()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

print "

Close Page Function


Page URL: (Example: /usersonline.php) (Example: /index.php)


Reason for closure:



Close for:




Everyone (Except owner)





function closepagedone()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

mysql_query("INSERT INTO closedpages VALUES ('','{$_POST['url']}','{$_POST['reason']}','{$_POST['for']}')",$c);

print "Page has been closed!


Reason: {$_POST['reason']}


Closed for: {$r{'for']}";


function openpage()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

print "

Opening Page Function




$t=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM closedpages ORDER BY url ASC",$c);

print "Page URL: ";

while($a = mysql_fetch_array($t)){

print "{$a['url']}";


print "




function openpagedone()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

mysql_query("DELETE FROM closedpages WHERE id={$_POST['id']}",$c);

print "Page opened!";



Into Admin, I was Trying To Do The Close Page System Mod, But It Happens On All The Pages, How Do I Stop It, Have a Got To Run A Querie Or Something??

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Re: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php

i tryed it i entered this:

function closepage()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

print "<h3>Close Page Function</h3>


<form action=admin.php?action=closepagedone method=post>

Page URL: <input type=text name=url> (Example: /usersonline.php) (Example: /index.php)


Reason for closure:

<textarea name=reason rows=7 cols=30></textarea>


Close for:

<select name=for>

<option value=Public>Public</option>

<option value=Staff>Staff</option>

<option value=All>Everyone (Except owner)</option>



<input type=submit value='Close Page'>";


function closepagedone()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

mysql_query("INSERT INTO closedpages VALUES ('','{$_POST['url']}','{$_POST['reason']}','{$_POST['for']}')",$c);

print "Page has been closed!


Reason: {$_POST['reason']}


Closed for: {$r{'for']}";


function openpage()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

print "<h3>Opening Page Function</h3>


<form action='admin.php?action=openpagedone' method='post'>";

$t=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM closedpages ORDER BY url ASC",$c);

print "Page URL: <select name=url>";

while($a = mysql_fetch_array($t)){

print "<option value={$a['id']}>{$a['url']}</option>";


print "</select>

<input type='submit' value='Open Page' /></form>";


function openpagedone()


global $ir,$c,$h,$userid;

mysql_query("DELETE FROM closedpages WHERE id={$_POST['id']}",$c);

print "Page opened!";



n this came up:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ']' in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php on line 930

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Re: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php

it says this:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ']' in /home/imgame/public_html/admin.php on line 933

i delete the ]

it says unexpected '"', expecting }

i take away ''"

it says unexpected T_FOR, help!!!!!

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