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Mod ideas

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Heres an idea for anyone: Make a completely customizable menu... this of course is for noobs who want a new menu, but its an idea ive had and dont feel like doing it:

* Sortable Links ( drag and drop in different locations, re-order links )

* Add Links

* Edit Links ( with conditioning if needed, such as a function that parses a string as a condition for an if statment in the code )

* Remove Links with ease

* Universal link system ( say you change your link structure from dynamic to a static url with Apache, you can change the way the links take this in )

* Token url system ( So say you want tokens on certain urls you can just check a box an it will do that for you )

* Link groups ( So that you can have multiple link groups


Its more of a layout change than anything.. just so they have no need to touch the mainmenu and mess it up, plus very cool.

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