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Need Help: PvP System


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I'm making a game from scratch. It's pretty sloppy, but the only thing that's giving me trouble is the PvP System.


Battle Variables wont change in the DB after everything had checked out.

Attack options wont execute.

*I'm sure the Battle Log wont Log the most recent attack, but I'm not particularly worried about that.

This is what I want it to do:

Require all files
Make time variables

If Get ID is set
 (run all checks)
if - Player Home Status
elseif - enemy level
elseif - player level
elseif - enemy home status
elseif - player in battle
elseif - enemy in battle
elseif - player location
elseif - enemy location
else - set battle in DB

 (Cheack for Player Death, Enemy Death, and Attack Turn)
if player health <= 0
	echo victory text
	distribute battle gains in DB
	unset battle in DB
	send loser to their village
	put looser to sleep in their home
elseif enemy health <= 0
	echo victory text
	distribute battle gains in DB
	unset battle in DB
	send loser to their village
	put looser to sleep in their home
elseif enemy time to attack
	echo can't attack now
	echo time limit
	echo last attack
	echo Refresh Button
elseif player time to attack
	display pvp interface
	display time limit
	echo last attack



require 'login_check.php';
require 'global.php';
require 'get_enemy_data.php';
require 'get_user_data.php';
include 'layout_html.php';
include 'menu_check.php';

$time1 = time();
$time = time();

if (isset($_GET['ID'])) {
if ($player['home_status'] == 1) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><td class = ''><font color = 'darkred'> You are at home, who are you attacking?</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($enemy['level'] == $player['level']-5) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><td class = ''><font color = 'darkred'> You cant attack a someone 5 levels below you.</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($player['level'] == $enemy['level']-5){
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'> Don't be a fool, your enemy is 5 levels above you. </font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($enemy['home_status'] == 1) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><td class = ''><font color = 'darkred'>This person is in their home, you can not attack them.</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($plalyer['battle'] != $enemy['id']) {
	echo "<table 	class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'> You are currently in battle with 
	<a href = ./battle.php?&ID=".$enemy['id'].">".$enemy['username']."</a></font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($enemy['battle'] != $player['id']) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'> This person is already locked in battle.</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($player['village'] == $enemy['village']) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'>Do not attack your allies!</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($player['user_x'] != $enemy['user_x']) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'>The enemy is not near.</font></td></tr></table>";
elseif ($player['user_y'] != $enemy['user_y']) {
	echo "<table class = '' width = '' border = '0' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0'>
	<tr><font color = 'darkred'>The enemy is not near.</font></td></tr></table>";
else {
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='".$enemy['id']."' WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='".$player['id']."' WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");


if($enemy['health'] <= 0) {
	echo "<table width = '540'>
	<tr algin=center><td align = 'center' class = ''>You are victorious!</td></tr>
	<tr align=center><td class = ''><font color = 'darkgreen'>".$enemy['username']." has been defeated by your hands.</font></td></tr></table>";

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET pvp_kills='".$player['pvp_kills']."' + 1 WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='0' WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='0' WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user_x='".$enemy2['village_x']."' WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user_y='".$enemy2['village_y']."' WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE `villages` SET `village_points`= `village_points` + 1 WHERE `village_name` = '".$player['village']."'") or die(mysql_error());
elseif($player['health'] == 0) {
	echo "<table width = '540'>
	<tr algin=center><td align = 'center' class = ''>You have lost.</td></tr>
	<tr align=center><td class = ''><font color = 'darkgreen'>".$enemy['username']." has defeated you.</font></td></tr></table>";

	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET pvp_kills='".$enemy['pvp_kills']."' + 1 WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='0' WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET battle='0' WHERE username='".$enemy['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user_x='".$player2['village_x']."' WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user_y='".$player2['village_y']."' WHERE username='".$player['username']."'");
	mysql_query("UPDATE `villages` SET `village_points`= `village_points` + 1 WHERE `village_name` = '".$enemy['village']."'") or die(mysql_error());
elseif($enemy['user_attack_turn'] > 0) {
	echo "<table>
	<tr><td><font color = 'darkred'>Your opponent must attack now.</font></td></tr></table>";
	$time = time()-60;
elseif($player['user_attacked_last'] <= $time && $player['user_attacked_by'] > 0) {
	mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_attack_turn` = 1 WHERE `username` = '".$player['username']."'") or die(mysql_error());
	mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_attack_turn` = 0 WHERE `username` = '".$enemy['username']."'")or die(mysql_error());

	if($_GET['atk'] == "hit") {
		if($_POST['action'] == "Hand to Hand") {
			if(rand($enemy['luc'],$player['luc']) > rand($enemy['luc'],$player['luc'])) {
				$attack = (($player['str'] * 1.3) + ($player['dex'] * 0.2)) + ($player['luc'] * rand(0,1.5));
			else {
				$attack = ($player['str'] * 1.3) + ($player['dex'] * 0.2);

			$damage = $attack - $enemy['dur'];

			if($damage < 0) {
				$damage = 0;
			else {
				$damage = $attack - $enemy['dur'];

			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `health` = `health` - $damage, `user_attack_turn` = 1 WHERE `username = '".$enemy['username']."'") or die(mysql_error());
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_attack_turn` = 0, `user_attacked_last` = $time1 WHERE `username`='".$player['username']."'") or die(mysql_error());

			echo"<p align=center>".$player['username']." attacked ".$enemy['username']." using Hand to Hand Combat dealing $damage damage. </p>";
			$_SESSION['attacklog'].="<p align=center>".$player['username']." attacked ".$enemy['username']." using their fists dealing $damage damage. </p>";
			echo "<p align=center><a href='./battle.php?&ID=".$enemy['id']."'>Continue</a></p>";
		elseif($_POST['action'] == "Bad Medicine") {
			if(rand($enemy['luc'],$player['luc']) > rand($enemy['luc'],$player['luc'])) {
				$attack = (($player['int'] * 1.3) + ($player['wis'] * 0.2)) + ($player['luc'] * rand(0,1.5));
			else {
			$attack = ($player['int'] * 1.3) + ($player['wis'] * 0.2);

			$damage = $attack - $enemy['wis'];

			if($damage < 0) {
				$damage = 0;
			else {
				$damage = $attack - $enemy['wis'];

			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `health` = `health` - $damage, `user_attack_turn` = 1 WHERE `username = '".$enemy['username']."'") or die(mysql_error());
			mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `user_attack_turn` = 0, `user_attacked_last` = $time1 WHERE `username = '".$player['username']."'") or die(mysql_error());
			echo"<p align=center>".$player['username']." attacked ".$enemy['username']." using their Bad Medicine dealing $damage damage.</p>";
			$_SESSION['attacklog'].="<p align=center>".$player['username']." attacked ".$enemy['username']." using their Bad Medicine dealing $damage damage. </p>";
			echo "<p align=center><a href='./battle.php?&ID=".$enemy['id']."'>Continue</a></p>";

else {
		echo "<table align = 'center'>
		<tr><td align = 'center' class = ''>".$player['username']." VS. ".$enemy['username']."</td></tr>";
		echo"<tr class=td><td>";
		echo"<table align='left' width='268' class='table' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'><tr><th class=th>".$player['username']."</th><tr><tr><td align='center'><img src='".$player['avatar']."' width='150' height='150' /></td></tr><tr align=center><td>Level ".$player['level']." - ".$player['rank']."</td></tr><tr><td align=center>Health: ".$player['health']."/".$player['max_health']."<br /><img height=5 src=./images/life_bar.jpg width={$width}></td></tr></table>";
		echo"<table align='right' width='268' class='table' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'><tr><th class=th>".$enemy['username']."</th><tr><tr><td align='center'><img src='".$enemy['avatar']."' width='150' height='150' /></td></tr><tr align=center><td>Level ".$enemy['level']." - ".$enemy['rank']."</td></tr><tr><td align=center>Health: ".$enemy['health']."/".$enemy['max_health']."<br /><img height=5 src=./images/life_bar.jpg width={$width2}></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br />";

		echo"<form method=post action=./battle.php?&ID=".$enemy['id']."&atk=hit>
		<table align='center' width='540' class='table' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'><tr><th class='th'>Battle Options:</th></tr><tr class=td><td align=center>
		<input name='action' type='radio' value='Hand to Hand'>Hand to Hand<br />
		<input name='action' type='radio' value='Bad Medicine'>Bad Medicine <br />";

	echo"<br /><input type='submit' name='".$enemy['id']."' value='Attack' /></td></tr></form></table>";
	echo"<br /><p align=center><u><b>Battle Logs:</b></u><br /><Br />".$_SESSION['attacklog']."</p><br /></td></tr></table>";

echo '<br /><br /><p style="text-align:center;color:FFFFFF;"><a href="logout.php">Log out</a>'; 
echo $footer;	


I'm still new at PhP, so forgive my sloppiness and poor coding.

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