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How to make a timer?


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Take the current timestamp (time()) and add seconds to that for how long you want them to wait. Then you have a timestamp of which then can do another crime. So check


if (time() > $storedTime)
#expired, time go go
#not expired yet, subtract time() from $storedTime to how many seconds left
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I try it but I can't see how it can work... Look:

(wt = waiting time to do another crime...)

$wt = 0;

if (time() > $wt)
I can make another crime.
   $wt = time()+10;
    I can't...


That's what I've think to do but obviously don't work... Can you explain with more details how to do that... :S

Thanks and sorry for lost of time...

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I try something else, look:



if (time() > $this->player->wt)
    I can make another crime
    $query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET wt=? WHERE id=?', array(time() + 10, $this->player->id));
    I can't...


On db it gives me allways the same value: 838:59:59 and not 18:49:30 (if when i do the crime it was 18:49:20), as I expected.

And with:


if (time() > $this->player->wt)
    I can make another crime
    $query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET wt=? WHERE id=?', array($smarty.now + 10, $this->player->id));
    I can't...


On db it gives me allways 00:00:10 and not 18:49:30 (if when I do the crime it was 18:49:20), as I expected...


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I don't know what $smarty.now is stored as but time() gives you the unix timestamp which is this large number of seconds since the unix epoch. Soo. You have to add number of seconds to it. I doubt you want just 10 seconds. So do this.


$storedTime = intval(time()) + intval(300);
//5 minutes added to timestamp


Then check

if (intval(time()) >= intval($storedTime))
// done waiting
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I've tested it now but it still don't working. I think the problem is when I do a crime it add to $storedTime - intval(time()) + intval(300), all right. But when it reloads the page $storedTime 'reset' to nothing so it allows the player to do how many crimes he wants... That's why I think to add the $storedTime to db but the value it stored in db it's all ways the same. :s

My code, right now is it:



defined('IN_EZRPG') or exit;

class Module_Crimes extends Base_Module


   public function start()

if (intval(time()) >= intval($storedTime))



         case 'um':



$msg = 'Time not over - can't do another crime right now...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));


   private function render()


       $this->tpl->assign('player', $this->player);



	// Crime um

   private function um()

$storedTime = intval(time()) + intval(300);
$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 5)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+5 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-5 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+3 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 5€ 3 pontos de experiência e perdeste 5% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




Edited by begood
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defined('IN_EZRPG') or exit;

class Module_Crimes extends Base_Module


   public function start()


if (intval(time()) >= $this->player->tempo_crime)




         case 'um':



         case 'dois':



         case 'tres':



         case 'quatro':



         case 'cinco':



         case 'seis':



         case 'sete':










$msg = 'Cant do another crime...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));



   private function render()


       $this->tpl->assign('player', $this->player);



// Crime um

   private function um()


$storedTime = intval(time()) + intval(300);

$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 5)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+5 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-5 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+3 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));
$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET tempo_crime=? WHERE id=?', array($storedTime, $this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 5€ 3 pontos de experiência e perdeste 5% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime dois

   private function dois()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 10)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+10 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-10 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+6 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 10€, 6 pontos de experiência e perdeste 10% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime tres

   private function tres()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 12)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+15 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-12 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+10 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 15€, 10 pontos de experiência e perdeste 12% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime quatro

   private function quatro()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 15)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+17 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-15 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+13 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 17€, 13 pontos de experiência e perdeste 15% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime cinco

   private function cinco()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 16)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+20 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-16 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+15 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 20€, 15 pontos de experiência e perdeste 16% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime seis

   private function seis()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 20)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+24 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-20 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+17 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 24€, 17 pontos de experiência e perdeste 20% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




	// Crime sete

   private function sete()


$chance = rand(1,2);

if ($this->player->stamina < 27)


$msg = 'Não tens stamina suficiente!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




if ($chance == 1)


$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET money=money+35 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET stamina=stamina-27 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$query = $this->db->execute('UPDATE <ezrpg>players SET exp=exp+25 WHERE id=?', array($this->player->id));

$msg = 'Ganhas-te 35€, 25 pontos de experiência e perdeste 27% da tua stamina!';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));




$msg = 'Escapaste por pouco, uma stora ia-te apanhando!! Infelizmente não conseguiste sacar nada...';

header('Location: index.php?msg=' . urlencode($msg));







That's my code right now... I don't know where is the error...

tempo_crime (is where the time is stored on db has his type defined to timestamp)

I'm making tests in private function um().

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