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Portfolio Design


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Hello MWG, aint been here for a while been busy with college but today i took the time out and came up with a portfolio design i searched for inspiration designs and took ideas and came up with something i rather like and some other people like. I havent designed for about 5-6 months so i gave this my best shot


Welcoming all feedback :)

-Regards Travis aka Dreamcoder

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Pretty professional looking, just seems to plain for my liking. In my personal opinion your portfolio pages should look just as unique as your designs for you to stand out from others. Maybe it's just my own feelings on the subject but yeah.

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As I told you on msn, my honest opinion is that it is very simple with nothing much going on. If it is a programming service than it is fine, however if you are going to want to reach people for design services then you will need to spice it up alot more.

I didnt really aim it at none of them i mostly done it for fun :)

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