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[Please] Critique my Toplist Design


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I just finished a new design for my top list: http://www.besttextgames.com and am hoping to get some constructive criticism :)

I am pretty new to site designs and this is the first one I've done on my own for a live site. Its relatively basic, but any input is appreciated.

Also, I only tested it on IE7 and Firefox 6.0.1. Anyone running other browsers like opera or whatever, please let me know if you find anything funky.


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It looks good. However I dont like the layout of the actual content. You defintelly need to work on that. A good layout is nothing without a good layout of the content.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that I do have a bit of tweaking to do yet.

After about 6 hours working on creating and implementing the design I remembered how much bert stressed the importance of a good captcha, so I decided to implement that "real quick" haha..ever have those times when you have one little problem with a script and you just can't figure out what the heck is wrong...then a couple hours later after trying every possible fix you can come up with you find it...yeah so I went to bed when I finished at 7:30 in the morning...

But as far as the design goes,

I want to put some boxes with backgrounds to separate the games in the category lists a little better, kind of like how each of your site's games listings are in separate boxes instead of all the same background. I think that will help set the mood a lot better.

The game profiles are going to get an overhaul to suit the new design as well ;)

Thanks for making me strive for perfection Kieran :)

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Might just be me, but the site look a long time to load.

You need a better footer. */me thinks its strange I care about footers*

Maybe you should do some .HTACCESS for the URLS.

Strange thinks I know, but my opinion.

Yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do about the speed yet, I'm not sure if it's just my hosting or if the code needs re-written or what..

I agree, the footer could use some improvement, I just haven't gotten around to it yet lol.

HTACCESS, like mod rewrites?

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