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Adding user city/location to index.php


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I am trying to add the user's own location/cityname to index.php and have gotten real close to making it work, but it seems I am missing some small bit. I can get "Location:" to appear, but the cityname never shows up. I know there is just a small thing I am missing but can't identify exactly what is missing.

The line is written:

print "Location: {$ir['cityname']}";


I know the missing part is the call to cityname. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Adding user city/location to index.php

ok just done this simple for you :


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cities` WHERE `cityid` = '".$ir["location"]."'");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$location = $result["cityname"];


And then were you want it printed in index/ header

Location: $location

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