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Nyna's GYM


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Does anyone here have a copy of Nyna's GYM that they have modified for Redux, and would be willing to share? I have tried converting the script to Redux, by using a conversion guide, though get the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/criminal/public_html/Mods/gym.php on line 146

This is line 146, any help would be highly appreciated.


echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what0' value='all' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what0' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>All (25%% energy in each) [Rank #%s]</label>


Nyna's Gym:



$macropage = "gym.php";
include "globals.php";
global $db, $h, $ir, $userid;

if ($ir['hospital']) 
   echo "

You cannot access the gym whilst in hospital</p>";

$prefs   = isset($_SESSION['gymprefs']) ? $_SESSION['gymprefs'] : array('what' => "all", 'expend' => "100%");
$what    = $prefs['what'];
$expend  = $prefs['expend'];
$message = false;
$sql     = sprintf("SELECT us.strength, us.agility, us.guard, us.labour, u.energy, u.will, u.jail FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON (u.userid = us.userid) WHERE (u.userid = %u) AND (u.user_level < 3)", $userid);
$row     = $db->fetch_row($db->query($sql));
$formID  = preg_replace("`^([0-9A-F]{8})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{4})([0-9A-F]{12})$`ms", "{\\1-\\2-\\3-\\4-\\5}", strtoupper(md5(serialize(array(session_id(), "Gym", null)))));

if (isset($_POST['formID']) && is_string($_POST['formID']) && ($_POST['formID'] === $formID))
   $what    = isset($_POST['what']) && is_string($_POST['what']) && preg_match("`^((all)|(strength)|(agility)|(guard)|  (labour))$`ims", $_POST['what']) ? strtolower($_POST['what']) : $what;
   $expend  = isset($_POST['expend']) && is_string($_POST['expend']) && preg_match("`^((100%)|(75%)|(50%)|(25%)|(value))$`  ims", $_POST['expend']) ? strtolower($_POST['expend']) : $expend;
   $value   = isset($_POST['value']) && is_string($_POST['value']) && preg_match("`^\d+$`ims", $_POST['value']) ? @intval($_POST['value']) : 0;
   $sql     = sprintf("SELECT energy, will FROM users WHERE (userid = %u)", $userid);
   $rs      = $db->query($sql); 
   $info    = $db->fetch_row($rs);
   $energy  = $row['energy'];
   $will    = $row['will'];

   switch ($expend)
       case "100%":  $value = $row['energy'];        break;
       case "75%":       $value = $row['energy'] * 0.75; break;
       case "50%":       $value = $row['energy'] * 0.50; break;
       case "25%":       $value = $row['energy'] * 0.25; break;
       default:                                        break;

   $value = floor($value);

   if ($value > $row['energy'])
       $message = "<span style='color:#C00;'>You don't have enough energy</span>";
       $prefs = array('what' => $what, 'expend' => $expend);
       $gain  = 0;
       $will  = $row['will'];

       for ($i = 0; $i < $value; $i++)
           $gain += mt_rand(1, 3) / mt_rand(500, 900) * mt_rand(500, 900) * (($will + 20) / 150);
           $will  = max(0, $will - mt_rand(1, 3));

       if ($row['jail'])
           $gain *= 0.5;

       $row['will']    = floor($will);
       $row['energy'] -= $value;

       switch ($what)
           case "all":
               $message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in each stat</span>", number_format($gain * 0.25, 2));
               $row['strength'] += $gain * 0.25;
               $row['agility']  += $gain * 0.25;
               $row['guard']    += $gain * 0.25;
               $row['labour']   += $gain * 0.25;

           case "strength":
               $message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in strength</span>", number_format($gain, 2));
               $row['strength'] += $gain;

           case "agility":
               $message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in agility</span>", number_format($gain, 2));
               $row['agility'] += $gain;

           case "guard":
               $message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in guard</span>", number_format($gain, 2));
               $row['guard'] += $gain;

           case "labour":
               $message = sprintf("<span style='color:#070;'>You gain %s in labour</span>", number_format($gain, 2));
               $row['labour'] += $gain;

       $sql1 = sprintf("UPDATE userstats SET strength = %.6f, agility = %.6f, guard = %.6f, labour = %.6f WHERE (userid = %u)", $row['strength'], $row['agility'], $row['guard'], $row['labour'], $userid);
       $sql2 = sprintf("UPDATE users SET will = %u, energy = %d WHERE (userid = %u)", $row['will'], $row['energy'], $userid);


   $_SESSION['gymprefs'] = $prefs;

$row['ranks'] = array
   'strength' => $db->fetch_single($db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM userstats WHERE (strength > %.6f)", $row['strength']))) + 1,
   'agility'  => $db->fetch_single($db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM userstats WHERE (agility > %.6f)", $row['agility']))) + 1,
   'guard'    => $db->fetch_single($db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM userstats WHERE (guard > %.6f)", $row['guard']))) + 1,
   'labour'   => $db->fetch_single($db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM userstats WHERE (labour > %.6f)", $row['labour']))) + 1,
   'total'    => $db->fetch_single($db->query(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM userstats WHERE (strength + agility + guard + labour > %.6f)", $row['strength'] + $row['agility'] + $row['guard'] + $row['labour']))) + 1,

echo "<style type='text/css'>";
echo "#gym { }";
echo "#gym h3, #gym p { }";
echo "#gym table { width:90%;border-collapse:collapse; }";
echo "#gym th { border:solid 1px #333;background:#F6F6F6 url(th.png);padding:3px;color:#333; }";
echo "#gym td { border:solid 1px #CCC;padding:3px;color:#CCC; }";
echo "#gym { }";
echo "</style>";

echo "<div id='gym'>";
echo sprintf("<h3>%sGym</h3>", $ir['jail'] ? "Jail " : "");

if ($message)
   echo sprintf("

%s</p>", $message);

echo "<form name='train' id='train' action='gym.php' method='post' style='padding:0;margin:0;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='hidden' name='formID' value='%s' />", $formID);
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='sub' style='width:50%;'>Train</th>";
echo "<th class='sub' style='width:50%;'>Expend</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td style='line-height:200%;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what0' value='all' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what0' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>All (25%% energy in each) [Rank #%s]</label>
", $what === "all" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['ranks']['total']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what1' value='strength' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what1' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>Strength (%s) [Rank #%s]</label>
", $what === "strength" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['strength']), number_format($row['ranks']['strength']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what2' value='agility' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what2' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>Agility (%s) [Rank #%s]</label>
", $what === "agility" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['agility']), number_format($row['ranks']['agility']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what3' value='guard' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what3' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>Guard (%s) [Rank #%s]</label>
", $what === "guard" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['guard']), number_format($row['ranks']['guard']));
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='what' id='what4' value='labour' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='what4' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>Labour (%s) [Rank #%s]</label>
", $what === "labour" ? "checked='checked' " : "", number_format($row['labour']), number_format($row['ranks']['labour']));
echo "</td>";
echo "<td style='line-height:200%;'>";
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend0' value='100%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend0' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>100%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "100%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend1' value='75%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend1' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>75%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "75%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend2' value='50%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend2' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>50%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "50%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend3' value='25%%' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' /><label for='expend3' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'>25%% Energy</label>
", $expend === "25%" ? "checked='checked' " : "");
echo sprintf("<input type='radio' name='expend' id='expend4' value='value' %sstyle='vertical-align:middle;' onclick='document.train.value.focus();' /><label for='expend4' style='cursor<img src="images/smilies/tongue.png" border="0" alt="" title="Stick Out Tongue" class="inlineimg" />ointer;'><input type='text' id='value' name='value' value='{$row['energy']}' size='8' onfocus='this.select();' /> Energy</label>
", $expend === "value" ? "checked='checked' " : "");//(C)2008,<span class="highlight">Nyna</span>
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center;padding:6px;'>";
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Train' />";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<p style='color:#CCC;'>An open-source extension from <a href="http://nyna.co.uk/" target="_blank"><span class="highlight">Nyna</span></a></p>";


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