sever104 Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 <?php /*----------------------------------------------------- -- Mono Country v1.0 BETA -- A product of DBS-entertainment -- Copyright held 2005 by Dabomstew -- INDEX.php -----------------------------------------------------*/ session_start(); require "global_func.php"; if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; } $userid=$_SESSION['userid']; require "header.php"; $h = new headers; $h->startheaders(); include "mysql.php"; global $c; $is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error()); $ir=mysql_fetch_array($is); check_level(); $fm=money_formatter($ir['money']); $cm=money_formatter($ir['crystals'],''); $lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']); $h->userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm); $h->menuarea(); $_GET['u'] = abs((int) $_GET['u']); if(!$_GET['u']) { print "Invalid use of file"; } else { $q=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.*,c.*,h.*,g.*,f.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN cities c ON u.location=c.cityid LEFT JOIN houses h ON u.maxwill=h.hWILL LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang LEFT JOIN fedjail f ON f.fed_userid=u.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['u']}",$c); if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) { print "Sorry, we could not find a user with that ID, check your source."; } else { $r=mysql_fetch_array($q); if($r['user_level'] == 1) { $userl="Member"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 2) { $userl="Admin"; } else if ($r['user_level'] == 3) { $userl="Secretary"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 0) { $userl="NPC"; } else if($r['user_level']==4) { $userl="IRC Mod"; } else {$userl="Assistant"; } $lon=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['laston']); $sup=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['signedup']); $ts=$r['strength']+$r['agility']+$r['guard']+$r['labour']+$r['IQ']; $d=""; $la=time()-$r['laston']; $unit="seconds"; if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="minutes"; } if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="hours"; if($la >= 24) { $la=(int) ($la/24); $unit="days"; } } if($r['donatordays']) { $r['username'] = "{$r['username']}";$d="[img=donator.gif]"; } if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="[b]Online[/b]"; } else { $on="[b]Offline[/b]"; } print "Profile for {$r['username']} </pre> <table width="75%">General InfoFinancial Info Display PicName: {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}] $d User Level: $userl Duties: {$r['duties']} Gender: {$r['gender']} Signed Up: $sup Last Active: $lon Last Action: $la $unit ago Online: $on Days Old: {$r['daysold']} Location: {$r['cityname']} Money: \${$r['money']} Crystals: {$r['crystals']} Property: {$r['hNAME']} Referals: "; $rr=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM referals WHERE refREFER={$r['userid']}",$c); print mysql_num_rows($rr); $q_y=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friendslist WHERE fl_ADDED={$r['userid']}",$c); $q_z=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blacklist WHERE bl_ADDED={$r['userid']}",$c); print " Friends: ".mysql_num_rows($q_y)." Enemies: ".mysql_num_rows($q_z)." "; if($r['display_pic']) { print "[img={$r[]"; } else { print "This user has no display pic!"; } print "Physical InfoLinksLevel: {$r['level']} Health: {$r['hp']}/{$r['maxhp']} Gang: "; if($r['gang']) { print "[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$r[']{$r['gangNAME']}[/url]"; } else { print "N/A"; } if($r['fedjail']) { print " [b]In federal jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s). {$r['fed_reason']}"; } if($r['hospital']) { print " [b]In hospital for {$r['hospital']} minutes. {$r['hospreason']}[/b]"; } if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5) || $ir['user_level'] == 6) || $ir['user_level'] == 8) || $ir['user_level'] == 4) { print " IP Address: {$r['lastip']}"; print " Staff Notes: {$r['staffnotes']} "; } print "[[url='mailbox.php?action=compose&ID={$r[']Send Mail[/url]] [[url='sendcash.php?ID={$r[']Send Cash[/url]] [[url='attack.php?ID={$r[']Attack[/url]]"; if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5) || $ir['user_level'] == 6) || $ir['user_level'] == 8) || $ir['user_level'] == 4) { print " [[url='jailuser.php?userid={$r[']Jail[/url]] [[url='mailban.php?userid={$r[']MailBan[/url]]"; } if($ir['donatordays'] > 0) { print " [[url='friendslist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Friends[/url]] [[url='blacklist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Enemies[/url]] "; } print "</table>";<br>}<br>}<br>$h->endpage();<br>?&g This above is my code for viewuser.php, It comes out as Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_BOOLEAN_OR in /home/ie3/public_html/viewuser.php on line 118, Could someone help me! The user levels I have are 2 , 3 , 5 , 6, 8, 4) Quote
Anubis Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Re: viewusers.php You had way to many ( in your user levels. Try this.......... <?php /*----------------------------------------------------- -- Mono Country v1.0 BETA -- A product of DBS-entertainment -- Copyright held 2005 by Dabomstew -- INDEX.php -----------------------------------------------------*/ session_start(); require "global_func.php"; if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; } $userid=$_SESSION['userid']; require "header.php"; $h = new headers; $h->startheaders(); include "mysql.php"; global $c; $is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error()); $ir=mysql_fetch_array($is); check_level(); $fm=money_formatter($ir['money']); $cm=money_formatter($ir['crystals'],''); $lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']); $h->userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm); $h->menuarea(); $_GET['u'] = abs((int) $_GET['u']); if(!$_GET['u']) { print "Invalid use of file"; } else { $q=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.*,c.*,h.*,g.*,f.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN cities c ON u.location=c.cityid LEFT JOIN houses h ON u.maxwill=h.hWILL LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang LEFT JOIN fedjail f ON f.fed_userid=u.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['u']}",$c); if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) { print "Sorry, we could not find a user with that ID, check your source."; } else { $r=mysql_fetch_array($q); if($r['user_level'] == 1) { $userl="Member"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 2) { $userl="Admin"; } else if ($r['user_level'] == 3) { $userl="Secretary"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 0) { $userl="NPC"; } else if($r['user_level']==4) { $userl="IRC Mod"; } else {$userl="Assistant"; } $lon=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['laston']); $sup=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['signedup']); $ts=$r['strength']+$r['agility']+$r['guard']+$r['labour']+$r['IQ']; $d=""; $la=time()-$r['laston']; $unit="seconds"; if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="minutes"; } if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="hours"; if($la >= 24) { $la=(int) ($la/24); $unit="days"; } } if($r['donatordays']) { $r['username'] = "<font color=red>{$r['username']}</font>";$d="[img=donator.gif]"; } if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "<h3>Profile for {$r['username']}</h3> <table width=75%><tr style='background:gray'><th>General Info</th><th>Financial Info</th> <th>Display Pic</th></tr> <tr><td>Name: {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}] $d User Level: $userl Duties: {$r['duties']} Gender: {$r['gender']} Signed Up: $sup Last Active: $lon Last Action: $la $unit ago Online: $on Days Old: {$r['daysold']} Location: {$r['cityname']}</td><td> Money: \${$r['money']} Crystals: {$r['crystals']} Property: {$r['hNAME']} Referals: "; $rr=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM referals WHERE refREFER={$r['userid']}",$c); print mysql_num_rows($rr); $q_y=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friendslist WHERE fl_ADDED={$r['userid']}",$c); $q_z=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blacklist WHERE bl_ADDED={$r['userid']}",$c); print " Friends: ".mysql_num_rows($q_y)." Enemies: ".mysql_num_rows($q_z)." </td> <td rowspan='2'>"; if($r['display_pic']) { print "[img={$r[]"; } else { print "This user has no display pic!"; } print "</td></tr> <tr style='background:gray'><th>Physical Info</th><th>Links</th></tr> <tr><td>Level: {$r['level']} Health: {$r['hp']}/{$r['maxhp']} Gang: "; if($r['gang']) { print "[url='gangs.php?action=view&ID={$r[']{$r['gangNAME']}[/url]"; } else { print "N/A"; } if($r['fedjail']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In federal jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s). {$r['fed_reason']}</font>"; } if($r['hospital']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In hospital for {$r['hospital']} minutes. {$r['hospreason']}</font>[/b]"; } if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5 || $ir['user_level'] == 6 || $ir['user_level'] == 8 || $ir['user_level'] == 4) { print " IP Address: {$r['lastip']}"; print "<form action='staffnotes.php' method='post'> Staff Notes: <textarea rows=7 cols=40 name='staffnotes'>{$r['staffnotes']}</textarea> <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['u']}' /> <input type='submit' value='Change' /></form>"; } print "</td><td>[[url='mailbox.php?action=compose&ID={$r[']Send Mail[/url]] [[url='sendcash.php?ID={$r[']Send Cash[/url]] [[url='attack.php?ID={$r[']Attack[/url]]"; if($ir['user_level'] == 2 || $ir['user_level'] == 3 || $ir['user_level'] == 5 || $ir['user_level'] == 6 || $ir['user_level'] == 8 || $ir['user_level'] == 4) { print " [[url='jailuser.php?userid={$r[']Jail[/url]] [[url='mailban.php?userid={$r[']MailBan[/url]]"; } if($ir['donatordays'] > 0) { print " [[url='friendslist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Friends[/url]] [[url='blacklist.php?action=add&ID={$r[']Add Enemies[/url]] "; } print "</td></tr></table>"; } } $h->endpage(); ?> Quote
John99 Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 Re: viewusers.php Sever104 can you please before you put the code do [ code] and at the end put [/ code] with no space please :) easy for all fo us in the forum Quote
Guest Sniko` Posted August 11, 2007 Posted August 11, 2007 Re: viewusers.php TRY THIS <?php session_start(); require "global_func.php"; if($_SESSION['loggedin']==0) { header("Location: login.php");exit; } $userid=$_SESSION['userid']; require "header.php"; $h = new headers; $h->startheaders(); include "mysql.php"; global $c; $is=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid WHERE u.userid=$userid",$c) or die(mysql_error()); $ir=mysql_fetch_array($is); check_level(); $fm=money_formatter($ir['money']); $lv=date('F j, Y, g:i a',$ir['laston']); $h->userdata($ir,$lv,$fm); $h->menuarea(); $_GET['u'] = abs((int) $_GET['u']); if(!$_GET['u']) { print "Invalid use of file"; } else { $q=mysql_query("SELECT u.*,us.*,c.*,h.*,f.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN cities c ON u.location=c.cityid LEFT JOIN houses h ON u.maxwill=h.hWILL LEFT JOIN fedjail f ON f.fed_userid=u.userid WHERE u.userid={$_GET['u']}",$c); if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) { print "Sorry, we could not find a user with that ID, check your source."; } else { $r=mysql_fetch_array($q); if($r['user_level'] == 1) { $userl="Member"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 2) { $userl="Admin"; } else if($r['user_level'] == 0) { $userl="NPC"; } $lon=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['laston']); $sup=date('F j, Y g:i:s a',$r['signedup']); $ts=$r['strength']+$r['agility']+$r['guard']+$r['labour']+$r['IQ']; $d=""; $la=time()-$r['laston']; $unit="seconds"; if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="minutes"; } if($la >= 60) { $la=(int) ($la/60); $unit="hours"; if($la >= 24) { $la=(int) ($la/24); $unit="days"; } } if($r['laston'] >= time()-15*60) { $on="<font color=green>[b]Online[/b]</font>"; } else { $on="<font color=red>[b]Offline[/b]</font>"; } print "<h3>Profile for {$r['username']}</h3> <table width=85%><tr style='background:gray'><th>General Info</th><th>Financial Info</th> <th>Display Pic</th></tr> <tr><td>Name: {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}] $d User Level: $userl Duties: {$r['duties']} Gender: {$r['gender']} Signed Up: $sup Last Active: $lon Last Action: $la $unit ago Online: $on [b]Days Old:[/b] {$r['daysold']} Days Old "; $w=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM warnings WHERE user={$r['userid']}",$c); print " <font color=red>Warnings: ".mysql_num_rows($w)." "; if($ir['user_level'] > 1) { print "|| [<a href=warnings.php?action=index&user={$r['userid']}>Manage</a>]"; } print " Location: {$r['cityname']}</td><td> Money: \${$r['money']} Crystals: {$r['crystals']} Property: {$r['hNAME']} </td> <td rowspan='1'>"; if($r['display_pic']) { print "[img={$r[]"; } else { print "This user has no display pic!"; } if($ir['user_level']==2) { $sh="<th>Staff</th>"; } else { $sh=""; } print "</td></tr> <tr style='background:gray'><th>Physical Info</th><th>Links</th>{$sh}</tr> <tr><td>Level: {$r['level']} Health: {$r['hp']}/{$r['maxhp']} "; if($ir['user_level'] == '2' || $ir['user_level'] == '3') { echo "<form action='admin.php?action=maillogs2' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$r['userid']}'> <input type='submit' value='Mail' /></form>"; } if($r['fedjail']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In federal jail for {$r['fed_days']} day(s). {$r['fed_reason']}</font>"; } if($r['hospital']) { print " [b]<font color=red>In hospital for {$r['hospital']} minutes. {$r['hospreason']}</font>[/b]"; } print "</td><td>[[url='mailbox.php?action=compose&ID={$r[']Send Mail[/url]] [[url='sendcash.php?ID={$r[']Send Cash[/url]] [[url='sendcrystals.php?ID={$r[']Send Crystals[/url]] [[url='attack.php?ID={$r[']Attack[/url]]</td>"; if($ir['user_level'] == 2) { print "<td> IP Address: {$r['lastip']}<form action='staffnotes.php' method='post'> Staff Notes: <textarea rows=7 cols=40 name='staffnotes'>{$r['staffnotes']}</textarea> <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='{$_GET['u']}' /> <input type='submit' value='Change' /></form></td>"; } print "</tr> <tr style='background:gray'><th colspan='2'>Profile Signature</th></tr> <tr><td colspan='2'>{$r['signature']}</td></tr></table>"; } } $h->endpage(); ?> Quote
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