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Just a small, puny, itty-bitty, cute, tiny little problem part 2


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Ok I hate to ask for help frequently but as this is a support forum I figured there shouldn't be too much of a problem lol. The reason I am calling this part 2 is because this is pretty much an extension of my other problem.

I want to find a way to add a random code to the end of hashes so that they are unbreakable however the code can still subtraact a bit of code from them to make them work. How would I go about doing that? I will be experimenting myself but I figured if I ask here before experimenting I can experiment and get help from people that know more then me at the same time.

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Re: Just a small, puny, itty-bitty, cute, tiny little problem part 2

Im confused by your post...


I want to find a way to add a random code to the end of hashes so that they are unbreakable however the code can still subtraact a bit of code from them to make them work. How would I go about doing that? I will be experimenting myself but I figured if I ask here before experimenting I can experiment and get help from people that know more then me at the same time.


So you want to make a hash unbreakable but you also want a bit of code that will break it? Going against what you said? lol =s

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Re: Just a small, puny, itty-bitty, cute, tiny little problem part 2

I wrote that while half asleep. Let me clarify. A hacker broke into my account using mySql injections (to the best of my knowledge) and what I want to do is... Well let me give an example.

I will use the hash for no password.

Regular hash: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

I want to make the hash look like this:

New Hash: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427eEXTRACODE

But still have it readable for login.php ect.

I just need the code (as I am a moron with php as of yet but I am working on a new mod that will be pretty easy to make and pretty handy) to add a certain code at the end of hashes and take it away when logging in/changing password. Could anyone please post it? I will give them a copy of my crappy mod when I'm done if they want lol.

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Re: Just a small, puny, itty-bitty, cute, tiny little problem part 2

Just use a formula to work some code out and reverse that formula?

Something like

1st number of md5 hash * 20... etc

this way it would alway be different and reversable.

It will still be able to be broken once the hacker works out the formula.

if you need any more help, say and il see what i can do.

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