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Ok I was making a new register.php and when I added a few new options it works great. They all go into the database but once you try and login it says:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cloutier/public_html/RPG/config.php:13) in /home/cloutier/public_html/RPG/authenticate.php on line 53



if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0)
die("Fatal error: MCCode cannot function without MagicQuotes GPC being turned on in PHP.INI.");

include "config.php";
global $_CONFIG;
define("MONO_ON", 1);
require "class/class_db_{$_CONFIG['driver']}.php";
$db=new database;
$settq=$db->query("SELECT * FROM settings");
if ($_POST['username'] == "" || $_POST['password'] == "")
die("{$set['game_name']} Error
You did not fill in the login form!

> Back");
$uq=$db->query("SELECT userid FROM users WHERE login_name='{$_POST['username']}' AND `userpass`=md5('{$_POST['password']}')");
if ($db->num_rows($uq)==0)
die("{$set['game_name']} Error
Invalid username or password!

> Back");
$db->query("UPDATE users SET lastip_login='$IP',last_login=unix_timestamp() WHERE userid={$mem['userid']}");
if($set['validate_period'] == "login" && $set['validate_on'])
$db->query("UPDATE users SET verified=0 WHERE userid={$mem['userid']}");
header("Location: loggedin.php");



This is line 53: header("Location: loggedin.php");

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