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Auction code help


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//Made by zeddicus, do NOT re-distribute.

//Copyright 2010


$_GET['page'] = isset($_GET['page']) ? trim($_GET['page']) : 'index';



case 'index' : index(); break;

case 'Bid' : Bid(); break;

case 'Add' : Add(); break;

default : index(); break;


function index()


global $h;

$Data = mysql_query("SELECT g.`ID`,g.`SellerID`,g.`ItemID`,g.`Time`,g.`CurrentBid`,g.`BuyNow`,g.`TimeLeft`,i.`itmid`,i.`itmname` FROM `gAuction` g LEFT JOIN `items` i ON (g.`ItemID` = i.`itmid`)") or die(mysql_error());

echo ('

<span style = "font-size:2em; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#8B0000">Auction House</span>

<hr width = "90%">

<table border = "0" class = "table" align = "center" width = "90%" style = "text-align:center" cellspacing = "1">




<th>Time Left</th>

<th>Current Bid</th>





echo ('<tr> <td colspan = "5">There are no auction being held at the present time.</td> </tr> </table>');



while($aData = mysql_fetch_array($Data))


$time = $aData['Time'] - time() + $aData['TimeLeft'];

echo ('





<td width = "15%">$'.number_format($aData['CurrentBid']).'</td>

<td width = "15%" align = "center"><a href = "auction.php?page=Bid&ID='.$aData['ID'].'"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Bid</span></a>||

<a href = "iteminfo.php?ID='.$aData['ItemID'].'"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Info</span></a></td>');


echo ('</tr> </table>





function Bid()


global $h,$ir;

echo ('

<span style = "font-size:2em; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#8B0000">Bidding on Item</span>

<hr width = "90%">');

$Data = mysql_query("SELECT g.`ID`,g.`SellerID`,g.`ItemID`,g.`CurrentBid`,g.`BuyNow`,g.`TimeLeft`,i.`itmid`,i.`itmname` FROM `gAuction` g LEFT JOIN `items` i ON (g.`ItemID` = i.`itmid`) WHERE (g.`ID` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($Data) || !ctype_digit($_GET['ID']))


echo ('An error has occurred, please go back and try again.');



$Data = mysql_fetch_array($Data);





echo ('An error has occurred, please try again.');



if($_POST['bid'] < $Data['CurrentBid'] || $ir['money'] < $_POST['bid'])


echo ('You\'ve bidded below the current bid, or you don\'t have enough cash to bid.

<a href = "/auction.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Go Back</span></a>');



if($_POST['bid'] >= $Data['BuyNow'] && $Data['BuyNow'] > 0)


mysql_query("DELETE FROM `gAuction` WHERE (`ID` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")"); //Auction Delete

mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - ".abs(intval($_POST['bid']))." WHERE (`userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].")"); //Take cash from user

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `inventory` VALUES ('',".$Data['ItemID'].",".$_SESSION['userid'].",1)"); // Credit winner item

event_add($Data['SellerID'],''.mysql_real_escape_string($ir['username']).' bought your item of the auction using your "Buy It Now Price" ($'.number_format($Data['BuyNow']).')');

mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` + ".abs(intval($_POST['bid']))." WHERE (`userid` = ".$Data['SellerID'].")"); //Give cash to user

echo ('You\'ve successfully purchased the item from the Auction using the "Buy It Now" price!.

<a href = "/index.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Go Home</span></a>');


mysql_query("UPDATE `gAuction` SET `CurrentBid` = ".abs(intval($_POST['bid']))." WHERE (`ID` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")"); //

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `gAuctionBids` VALUES ('',".$Data['ID'].",".$_SESSION['userid'].",".abs(intval($_POST['bid'])).")"); //insert bid

mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = `money` - ".abs(intval($_POST['bid']))." WHERE (`userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].")"); //Take cash from user


echo ('Your bid has been confirmed.

<a href = "/auction.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Back to Auction</span></a>');




if($Data['BuyNow'] == 0) { $Buy = 'Disabled by user'; }else{ $Buy = number_format($Data['BuyNow']); }

if($Data['BuyNow'] == 0) { $Sign = ''; }else{ $Sign = '$'; }

echo ('

<table class = "table" cellspacing = "1" width = "35%" align = "center" style = "text-align:center">

<form action = "auction.php?page=Bid&ID='.$_GET['ID'].'" method = "post">


<td width = "25%">Item Name:</td> <td><span style = "color:#8B0000">'.htmlentities($Data['itmname']).'</span></td>



<td width = "25%">Current Bid:</td> <td>'.number_format($Data['CurrentBid']).'</td>



<td width = "25%">Buy Now Price:</td> <td>'.$Sign.''.$Buy.'</td>



<td width = "25%">Enter Bid:</td> <td><input type = "text" name = "bid" value = "0" /></td>



<td colspan = "2"><input type = "submit" value = "Place Bid" /></td>




<a href = "/auction.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Go Back</a>');



function Add()


global $h;

$Data = mysql_query("SELECT i.`inv_itemid`,i.`inv_userid`,i.`inv_qty`,it.`itmid`,it.`itmname` FROM `inventory` i LEFT JOIN `items` it ON (i.`inv_itemid` = it.`itmid`) WHERE (`inv_userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].") AND (`inv_itemid` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($Data) || !ctype_digit($_GET['ID']))


echo ('An error has occurred, please go back and try again.');



$Data = mysql_fetch_array($Data);

echo ('

<span style = "font-size:2em; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color:#8B0000">Adding Item To Auction</span>

<hr width = "90%">

You have <span style = "color:#8B0000">'.number_format($Data['inv_qty']).'</span> - <span style = "color:#8B0000">'.htmlentities($Data['itmname']).'</span>

<hr width = "90%">');



$One = mysql_query("SELECT `ID` FROM `gAuction` WHERE (`SellerID` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].")");



echo ('Only one item at the auction please.');



if(!in_array($_POST['time'], array('1Hour','6Hours','1Day','2Days')))


echo ('An error has occured please go back and try again.');



if($Data['inv_qty'] < 1)


echo ('It seems you don\'t have enough of this item to send it to auction.');



if($_POST['time'] === '1Hour') { $time = '3600'; }

elseif($_POST['time'] === '6Hours') { $time = '21600'; }

elseif($_POST['time'] === '1Day') { $time = '86400'; }

elseif($_POST['time'] === '2Days') { $time = '172800'; }

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `gAuction` VALUES ('',".$_SESSION['userid'].",".$Data['itmid'].",".abs(intval($_POST['sbid'])).",".abs(intval($_POST['buy'])).",".$time.",unix_timestamp())") or die(mysql_error());

if($Data['inv_qty'] > 1)


mysql_query("UPDATE `inventory` SET `inv_qty` = `inv_qty` - 1 WHERE (`inv_userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].") AND (`inv_itemid` = ".$Data['itmid'].")") OR DIE(MYSQL_ERROR());


mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inventory` WHERE (`inv_userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].") AND (`inv_itemid` = ".$Data['itmid'].")")OR DIE(MYSQL_ERROR());


echo ('You\'ve successfully add the item to the auction.

<a href = "/auction.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Click here to View</span></a>');


echo ('

<table border = "0" class = "table" cellspacing = "1" width = "60%" align = "center" style = "text-align:center">

<form action = "auction.php?page=Add&ID='.$_GET['ID'].'" method = "post">


<td colspan = "2">Select the amount off time you wish your auction to last.</td>



<td colspan = "2">1 Hour<input type = "radio" name = "time" value = "1Hour" />

6 Hours<input type = "radio" name = "time" value = "6Hours" />

24 Hours<input type = "radio" name = "time" value = "1Day" />

48 Hours<input type = "radio" name = "time" value = "2Days" /></td>



<td>Starting Bid</td> <td><input type = "text" name = "sbid" value = "0" /></td>



<td>Buy It Now Price:</td> <td><input type = "text" name = "buy" value = "0" />(Enter 0 to disable)</td>



<td colspan = "2"><input type = "submit" value = "Add item to auction" /></td>




<a href = "/inventory.php"><span style = "color:#8B0000">Go Back</span></a>');





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You have 2 instances in your add() function that will give you that output.

The first

if(!mysql_num_rows($Data) || !ctype_digit($_GET['ID']))
echo ('An error has occurred, please go back and try again.');


The second

if(!in_array($_POST['time'], array('1Hour','6Hours','1Day','2Days')))
echo ('An error has occured please go back and try again.');


First determine which one of these it is outputting to. Add giberish into one of the echos to see which one it is.

If it's the first one, 2 possible scenarios.

(1) mysql_num_rows is returning 0, which means it can not find a match for the selected item id in the items table or in the inventory table.

(2) the ID being returned is a string that doesn't contain ALL integers.

If its the second one,

(3) $_POST['time'] has a value that is not in the array you defined here: array('1Hour','6Hours','1Day','2Days')

My guess is that its most likely (1), but check those instances to be sure.

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Quoted from "Equinox"

It's already been established that the 'fix all holes in mccodes' header code is the reason this doesn't work.



Could you provide a link or reference to the thread that discusses this issue?


I made it a long time ago and thats the problem.
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this is where the error come froms

function Add()


global $h;

$Data = mysql_query("SELECT iv.`inv_itemid`,iv.`inv_userid`,iv.`inv_qty`,it.`itmid`,it.`itmname` FROM `inventory` iv LEFT JOIN `items` it ON (iv.`inv_itemid` = it.`itmid`) WHERE (`inv_userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].") AND (`inv_itemid` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($Data) || !ctype_digit($_GET['ID']))


echo ('IamabitchAn error has occurred, please go back and try again.');



$Data = mysql_fetch_array($Data);

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function Add()


global $h;

$Data = mysql_query("SELECT iv.`inv_itemid`,iv.`inv_userid`,iv.`inv_qty`,it.`itmid`,it.`itmname` FROM `inventory` iv LEFT JOIN `items` it ON (iv.`inv_itemid` = it.`itmid`) WHERE (`inv_userid` = ".$_SESSION['userid'].") AND (`inv_itemid` = ".abs(intval($_GET['ID'])).")") or die(mysql_error());

if(!mysql_num_rows($Data) || !ctype_digit($_GET['ID']))


echo ('IamabitchAn error has occurred, please go back and try again.');



$Data = mysql_fetch_array($Data);

Add this before the mysql_query

echo $_GET['ID']."


If you don't get a number or it's blank, then that is your problem.

If you get a number, match that number to the inv_itemid field in the inventory table in your database where your userid is the inv_userid field, so run this SQL command without the brackets.

[mysql]SELECT inv_userid, inv_itemid FROM inventory WHERE inv_userid=(enter your userid) AND inv_itemid=(enter the ID you are checking)[/mysql]

If you are not returned a result, then that means you are missing it from your inventory.

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