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I am using Immortalthugs atta.ph with a few modifications of my own but i get a error plz help

here is the code


$$_GET['ID'] == (int) $_GET['ID'];
print "WTF you doing, bro?";

$energy = $ir['maxenergy']/4;
$error = ($ir['hp'] <= 0) ? "You can't attack someone when you have no health!" : $error;
$error = ($ir['energy']<$energy) ? "You need to have at least 25% of your energy if you want to attack someone." : $error;
$error = ($ir['jail'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in jail." : $error;
$error = ($ir['hospital'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone if you are in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['ID'] == "") ? "You didn't choose someone to attack." : $error;
$error = ($_GET['ID'] == $ir['userid']) ? "You can't attack yourself." : $error;

if($ir['equip_armor'] > 0) { $yourarmorstuff = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`itmid`=".$ir['equip_armor'].")");
                        	$dat = $db->fetch_row($yourarmorstuff);
                        	$defense = $dat['armor']; }
else { $defense = 0; }

                           	$attacking_person = mysql_query("SELECT `u`.`userid`,`u`.`username`,`u`.`hp`,`u`.`maxhp`,`u`.`level`, " .
                           	"`u`.`money`,`u`.`location`,`u`.`hospital`,`u`.`jail`,`u`.`fedjail`,`u`.`gang`,`u`.`user_level`, " .
                           	"`u`.`equip_primary`,`u`.`equip_secondary`,`u`.`equip_armor`,`u`.`exp`,`us`.`strength`,`us`.`agility`, " .
                           	"`us`.`guard` " .
                           	"FROM `users` `u` " .
                           	"LEFT JOIN `userstats` `us` " .
                           	"ON `u`.`userid`=`us`.`userid` " .
                           	"WHERE (`u`.`userid`=".$_GET['ID'].")", $c) 
                           	OR die(mysql_error());
                           	$attack_person = mysql_fetch_array($attacking_person);
$qo=$db->query("SELECT i.* FROM items i   WHERE i.itmid={$_GET['wepid']}");
$primarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$attack_person['equip_primary']."");
$ouch = $db->fetch_row($primarydamage);
$prim = ($attack_person['strength']+$ouch['weapon'])-($ir['guard']+$defense);  // PRIMARY "weapon" Damage.

$secondarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$attack_person['equip_secondary']."");
$ouchy = $db->fetch_row($secondarydamage);
$second = ($attack_person['strength']+$ouchy['weapon'])-($ir['guard']+$defense);  // Secondary "weapon" Damage.

if($attack_person['equip_primary'] > 0) { $killer = $prim; }
elseif($attack_person['equip_primary'] = 0 && $attack_person['equip_secondary'] > 0) { $killer = $second; }
else { $killer = $attack_person['strength'] - $ir['guard']; }

if($attack_person['equip_armor'] > 0) { $ayourarmorstuff = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE (`itmid`=".$attack_person['equip_armor'].")");
                        	$adat = $db->fetch_row($ayourarmorstuff);
                        	$adefense = $dat['armor']; }
else { $defense = 0; }

$aprimarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$ir['equip_primary']."");
$winn = $db->fetch_row($aprimarydamage);
$aprim = ($ir['strength']+$winn['weapon'])-($attack_person['guard']+$defense);  // PRIMARY "weapon" Damage.

$asecondarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$ir['equip_secondary']."");
$win = $db->fetch_row($asecondary);
$secondd = ($ir['strength']+$win['weapon'])-($attack_person['guard']+$defense);  // Secondary "weapon" Damage.

if($ir['equip_primary'] > 0) { $killers = $aprim; }
elseif($ir['equip_primary'] = 0 && $ir['equip_secondary'] > 0) { $killers = $secondd; }
else { $killers = $ir['strength'] - $ir['guard']; }

if($attack_person['equip_primary'] > 0 && $attack_person['equip_secondary'] > 0) 
$killer = ($ouch['weapon']+$ouchy['weapon']+$attack_person['strength'])-($ir['guard']+$defense);
$wepname = "".$ouch['itmname']." and their ".$ouchy['itmname'].""; 
elseif($attack_person['equip_primary'] > 0 && $attack_person['equip_secondary'] = 0) 
$killer = ($ouch['weapon']+$attack_person['strength'])-($ir['guard']+$defense);
   	$wepname = "".$ouch['itmname']."";
elseif($attack_person['equip_primary'] = 0 && $attack_person['equip_secondary'] > 0) 
$killer = ($ouchy['weapon']+$attack_person['strength']) - ($ir['guard']+$defense); 
   	$wepname = "".$ouch['itmname']."";
$killer = $attack_person['strength']-($ir['guard']+$defense);
   	$wepname = Fists;

  $aprimarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$ir['equip_primary']."");
  $winn = $db->fetch_row($aprimarydamage);

  $asecondarydamage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid`=".$ir['equip_secondary']."");
  $win = $db->fetch_row($asecondary);

  if($ir['equip_primary'] > 0 AND $ir['equip_primary'] > 0) 
  $killers = ($winn['weapon']+$win['weapon']+$ir['strength'])-($attack_person['guard']+$adefense);
  $aweap = "".$winn['itmname']." and their ".$win['itmname'].""; 
  elseif($ir['equip_primary'] > 0 && $ir['equip_secondary'] == 0) 
  $killers = ($winn['weapon']+$ir['strength'])-($attack_person['guard']+$adefense); 
  $aweap = "".$winn['itmname']."";
  elseif($ir['equip_primary'] == 0 && $ir['equip_secondary'] > 0) 
  $killers = ($win['weapon']+$ir['strength']) - ($attack_person['guard']+$adefense);
  $aweap = "".$win['itmname'].""; 
  $killers = $ir['strength'] - ($attack_person['guard']+$defense);
  $aweap = Fists;

if(!mysql_num_rows($attacking_person)) { echo "Invalid User Selected to attack."; $h->endpage(); exit; }
$error = ($attack_person['location'] != $ir['location']) ? "You must be in the same city as the person you are attacking. Duh." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['username'] == "") ? "That person doesn't exist." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['hospital'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in the hospital." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['jail'] > 0) ? "You can't attack someone that is in jail." : $error;
$error = ($ir['level'] > 5 && $attack_person['level'] < 6) ? "You can't attack someone that is level 5 or below because you are higher than level 5." : $error;
$error = ($ir['gang'] == $attack_person['gang'] AND $ir['gang'] != 0) ? "You cant attack someone in the same clan as yourself!" : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['hp'] <= 0) ? "This person has no health at the moment." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['fedjail'] > 1) ? "This person is in fed and cannot be attacked." : $error;
$error = ($attack_person['user_level'] == 2) ? "Admins Cannot be attacked." : $error;
if (isset($error)){
   	echo "".htmlentities(stripslashes($error))."";

$yourhp = $ir['hp'];
$theirhp = $attack_person['hp'];

echo "<center>Fight House</center>
<center><font color=white>You are in a fight with ".$attack_person['username'].".</center>

$wait = ($ir['agility'] > $attack_person['agility']) ? 1 : 0;

while($yourhp > 0 && $theirhp > 0) 
$damage = $killer; 
$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;

 if($wait == 0)
 $yourhp = $yourhp - $damage;
 echo "<font color=white><center> " . $attack_person['username'] . " hit you for " . $damage . " damage using their Fists. 
</center>";  // WEAPON STUFF HERE LATER.
   	else { $wait = 0; }

   	if($yourhp > 0) 
           	$damage = $killers;
           	$damage = ($damage < 1) ? 1 : $damage;
           	$theirhp = $theirhp - $damage;
           	echo "<font color=white><center> You hit " . $attack_person['username'] . " for " . $damage . " damage using your Using your {$r1['itmname']} </center>

   	if($theirhp <= 0){ // ATTACKER WINS AND UPDATES
            	$winner = $ir['userid'];
            	$theirhp = 0;
            	$moneywon = floor($attack_person['money'] /10);
            	$expwon = 150 - (25 * ($ir['level'] - $attack_person['level']));
            	$expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
            	$newexp = $expwon + $ir['exp'];
            	$newmoney = $ir['money'] + $moneywon;
            	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = ".$newexp.", money = ".$newmoney." WHERE (`userid`=".$ir['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());

            	$newmoney = $attack_person['money'] - $moneywon;
            	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = ".$newmoney.", `hospital` = 30 WHERE (`userid`=".$attack_person['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());
            	event_add($attack_person['userid'], "You were hospitalized by ".$ir['username']." for 20 minutes.");
            	echo "<font color=white><center>You hospitalized " . $attack_person['username'] . ". You gain $expwon exp and stole $".$moneywon." from " . $attack_person['username'] . ".</center>";


   	if($yourhp <= 0){ // DEFENDER WINS AND UPDATES
            	$winner = $attack_person['userid'];
            	$yourhp = 0;
            	$moneywon = floor($ir['money'] /10);
            	$expwon = 100 - (25 * ($attack_person['level'] - $ir['level']));
            	$expwon = ($expwon < 0) ? 0 : $expwon;
            	$newexp = $expwon + $attack_person['exp'];
            	$newmoney = $attack_person['money'] + $moneywon;
            	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `exp` = ".$newexp.", `money` = ".$newmoney." WHERE (`userid`=".$attack_person['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());

            	$newmoney = $ir['money'] - $moneywon;
            	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `money` = '".$newmoney."',`hospital` = '20' WHERE (`userid`=".$ir['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());
            	event_add($ir['userid'], "You were hospitalized by ".$attack_person['username']." for 20 minutes.");
            	echo "<center><font color=white>".$attack_person['username']." Hospitalized you and stole $".$moneywon." from you.</center>";


$newenergy = $ir['energy'] - floor($ir['energy'] * .10);
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = ".$theirhp." WHERE (`userid`=".$attack_person['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `hp` = ".$yourhp.", `energy` = '".$newenergy."' WHERE (`userid`=".$ir['userid'].")", $c) or die(mysql_error());
echo "</td></tr>";


QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near '' at line 1

   Query was SELECT i.* FROM items i   WHERE i.itmid=


I will be grateful to anyone who helps as this is a tough problem

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