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--How To--Start your very Own browser based Text game.


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Ok, so I'm unaware if one of these have been done before. However, I'm seeing a lot of repetetive posts on the forums about what one should to, or how one should proceed in making their very own game.

So, I'm bored and taking a few hours break from my own game. Here's a bit that I know, I'm sure other members will add to this.



Your going to want to do two things.

1. Research what TYPE of game you are wanting to start. Bare in mind there are MILLIONS of Mafia this, Prison that, Thug this games out there. Try and be original and think outside of the box.

2. Decide what Engine you are going to be using for your game and search the forums a bit if you aren't sure.

(majority of the beginners on these forums tend to use McCodes. http://www.mccodes.com)


Once you Decide on a game engine, You are going to want to research a host.

Depending on your knowledge of PHP and MYSQL(I'm assuming nill or very little) I'd suggest a Free host. ej.am Tend to provide free service that works, I'm sure some others can tell you more. (if you do decide to go with a paid host, make sure you are committed to learning PHP and MYSQL or you will just be wasting your money)


Once you have decided on a Game Engine, A Server Host and a Gameplan, Make your purchases and Upload your new game engine to your file manager, normally in the public_html folder.


Normally games come with an Installer, Both versions of McCodes do, as well as McCodes lite which is freeware you can find if you search around.

I'd highly suggest for beginners that are JUST getting started(AFTER YOU RUN YOUR INSTALLER) to remove their Register.php Folder as if you go with EITHER version of McCodes they are not factory Secured and you may just have someone take over your game with copy/paste hacks. Another good policy to go with is Removing your install.php file, as you dont want someone coming to your site, and re-installing your game(this can get nasty as they can get the admin slot and you have to mess around with the sql database and it's just a hassle :P)


Before you delve right into changing codes and switching stuff up, do some BASIC(again) BASIC, security to your site.

1. This will secure a common and well known IP hack that users can copy/paste code and take over your game.


2. This will stop the COMMON Cmarket hacks and Forum hacks that users copy/paste to abuse your system.

Basic Hacks Fix

3. This will stop just about all hacks via your Preferances Panel where users can upload and change queries to make themselves Admin.

Secured Preferances.

STEP 6. For fun, Open up some of your files such as...newspaper.php or announcements.php. Something not to in-depth. Familiarize yourself with some of the basic coding and use sites such as w3schools.com to help you along your way.

STEP 7. Browse the forums for FREE scripts posted to add to your game, Also keep your eyes pealed for ANY security conversations as later on, this will come in handy. Remember, Sites aren't 100% secure and especially not with just a few lines of code added here and there. Give yourself a go at trying to follow STEP BY STEP instructions on a simple mod and see if you can install it to your game. If you succeed, try your mod, see if it works or if you have any errors. If you have errors, don't run straight here. Open up your script take the error you got in your game and try and locate exactly where the error is. Look for things out of place, or for things that don't match up. A common mistake for MYSELF is i miss an ending ' in links. like for example the code could be a simple html call for <a href='blah.php>Blah</a>

At a quick glance I never notice that I missed the ' at the end of .php. So i receive an error, or my code won't show up at all. Or perhaps it'll throw off my layout.

Learn to catch things like this and you will save yourself a lot of heartache. Look to make sure codes that are giving you an error have the proper opening and closing statements.

Tinker with it, see if YOU Can get it to work---THIS IS HOW YOU LEARN, it is how I do.

STEP 8. ASSUMING that you did not get the script to work, (IF YOU DO SKIP TO NEXT STEP) I usually come here and post a SMALL(Note the small) Portion of my script. I ask if anyone here can find the error. Normally, people are good natured here and will help you out(though there are a few that will give you a headache so just learn to look past it). Bare in MIND, you have to give it some effort. The people of these forums are NOT , i repeat, NOT going to just up and code your whole game for you because you don't know PHP. Most of us here have our own games we work on and unless a fair amount of $$$ is involved, we tend to steer clear of Free work. Would you go to your job and work for free? yea...no :)

Use the help you can receive on these forums lightly. Dont run here the second a code doesnt work try to fix it yourself. Again, people here will help you, but you may find some of the replies in the negative if you tend to post 30 times a day and you aren't learning at all.

STEP 9. Once you have your first mod installed and running properly, Try and figure out how that mod works. Sometimes a good way to learn is causing an error and finding out why what you did CAUSED that error. LEARN mysql as it makes reading PHP a lot easier and mysql isnt nearly as difficult to learn :-)

STEP 10. You should be well on your way to learning PHP and MYSQL, try learning a bit of CSS and if you don't know any HTML (which most everyone does) learn a bit. Don't feel shy to ask a question as their is no stupid questions only stupid answers. If you are learning, and really trying, you won't have a problem finding help here on these boards. If however, you come back every 5 minutes and ask for help 3 lines down from code that was just offered as a fix. It means you arent learning or aren't trying. People will tend to skip right over your posts.


Again, in closing. I am NO expert, BY FAR. 6 months ago I couldn't remember the <?php ?> tags. Now i have a few of my own customized scripts that are just mine, one of a kind running in my very own game. I've learned a good deal, but guess what, I know NOTHING compared to most of these coders on this board. It's a learning process. Dont just dive in if you plan on giving up in a few weeks as you will cost yourself, time money and one severe headache. :-)


I Hope something in this post helps somebody. Feel free to pm me with any questions that weren't answered and I will add them to this post, OR if another more skilled member feels I missed anything, don't hesitate to give your 2 cents.

--Why do they call it giving your 2 cents worth when it's only a Penny for your thoughts?

Where'd the other penny go? Tax?

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