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i having a problem figuring out why i can send out money my my bussiness mod

function bank()


global $ir,$c,$userid,$h,$bdata;



$ck=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE business={$ir['business']} AND userid={$_POST['user']}",$c);

if(mysql_num_rows($ck)== 0)


print "ERROR!

Either this user does not exist or they are not in your business.";



$user=(int) $_POST['user'];

$cash=(int) $_POST['cash'];

$crys=(int) $_POST['crystals'];

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET money=money+$cash, crystals=crystals+$crys WHERE userid=$user",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE businesses SET bBANKMONEY=bBANKMONEY-$cash, bBANKCRYSTALS=bBANKCRYSTALS-$crys WHERE bID={$bdata['bID']}",$c);

print "\$$cash and $crys Crystals Given to User : $user.






i think its missing like a send feature or what not can anyone help thanks in advance

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