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need help , got another that won't work..attackwon.php

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I'm trying to add a steal crystals mod to attak won. can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong here?




$stole=(int) (rand($r['money']/500,$r['money']/20));


$randnumer= rand(20,30);

$hosptime = (int) $randnumer;

$loseruser = $r['userid'];

$winneruser = $ir['userid'];

$winnerusername = $ir['username'];

$reasonhosp = 'Attacked by ';

$reasonhosp .= ' $reasonhosp .= $winneruser;

$reasonhosp .= '>';

$reasonhosp .= $winnerusername;

$reasonhosp .= '.';

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hosptime=$hosptime WHERE userid=$loseruser",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hospreason='$reasonhosp' WHERE userid=$loseruser",$c);


print "You beat {$r['username']} and stole \$$stole";



$expperc=(int) ($expgain/$ir['exp_needed']*100);

print " and gained $expperc% EXP!";

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET exp=exp+$expgain,money=money+$stole WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals+$stolec WHERE userid=$userid",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET hp=1,money=money-$stole WHERE userid={$r['userid']}",$c);

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET crystals=crystals-$stolec WHERE userid={$r['userid']}",$c);

event_add($r['userid'],"{$ir['username']} attacked you and stole $stole, and $stolec crystal(s).",$c);

//event_add($r['userid'],"{$ir['username']} attacked you and stole $stole.",$c);


mysql_query("INSERT INTO attacklogs VALUES('',$userid,{$_GET['ID']},'won',unix_timestamp(),$stole,'$atklog');",$c);


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