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Looking to buy V1 items ect for $$$$


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im looking to buy a


database tables





all tables you need for items and want there to be a energy and will potion and there to be as many weapons and armour as possible thanks

PM if you have anything thanks



not looking for the original one with mccodes v1 already have it lol im looking for a more advanced one with will potions and many miore items dont mind if they are there or i dont mnd buying your game items on your game thanks

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Re: Looking to buy V1 items ect for $$$$

stryker lied to me said $15 for everything i need he even said over 500 items including will energy brave medical jail ect but know i pay for it he gives me some crap from v1 and v2 and a item use that don't even work why lie to me !!! i want my money back or the proper thing !!!

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