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Help Re Doing Search an area Modd


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A former coder left this on my site, and after looking at I feel it has potential to be really great. It lets you search an area by using a set of arrow keys. I dont know how to add em, right now its all screwed up. Anyone wanna tackle making this better, then we can give it away to CE members?



include "globals.php";

// Begin Static Display

// Display header
print "<h1>
<font color=red>
Welcome To Sir Smigs Castle Where You Can Go To Find Stuff.


// Display 2 discreption of choices
print "<h3>
<font color=blue>
You are standing in a room with several Directions you can go. Which way will you choose.


// Directions
print "<center>Directions To Walk</center>
<center><table border='0' class='table' width='20%' bordercolor='#939393'><tr background='tablehgrad.png'>
<td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=hope']left foward[/url]</td><td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=i']foward[/url]</td><td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=love']right foward[/url]</td></tr><tr>
<td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=hurt']left backword[/url]</td><td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=me']backword[/url]</td><td><center>[url='castle.php?searching=deeply']right backword[/url]</td></tr><tr>

// End Static Display


// Begin Dynamic Display

// Hope	
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'hope') {
if($ir['castle'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// I
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'i') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// Love
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'love') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// You
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'you') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// But
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'but') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// Youve
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'youve') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// Hurt
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'hurt') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// Me
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'me') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

// Deeply
if ($_GET['searching'] == 'deeply') {
if($ir['walking'] ==0)
		mysql_query("UPDATE users SET will=will-0,energy=energy-0,money=money-0 WHERE userid=$userid",$c);
		print "You Have no Steps Left you can try Again at new day. [url='index.php']back[/url]!";

if ($mel==1) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find anything. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");

if ($mel==2) {

print "You walk down the hall way and fall into a deep pit. When you come to your in the hospital. [url='index.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,hospital=60,hospreason='Fell into a deep pit in Sir Smigs Castle.',money=money-0 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==3) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find 3 tokens. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");
$db->query("update users set tokens=tokens+3 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==4) {

print "You walk down the hall way and dont find your way out, but you find some money. [url='castle.php']Continue Searching[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1,money=money+1234 where userid=$userid");
if ($mel==5) {

print "You walk down the hall way and you find nothing. [url='castle.php']Home[/url]";
$db->query("update users set castle=castle-1 where userid=$userid");




db part thats needed walking int 11 not null 50

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