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Re: [MCCodes V2] - Parse The Parcel - [Re-Programmed]

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Im sorry, I missed where they actually gave a crap what you think Luke. If you want it to run better code it yourself and stay the hell out of their threads. Your about as worthless as a zip on someones face. If you MUST post, Try posting something that helps them instead of your worthless post counts. 2008 posts and i bet 2000 are complaining about what someone else is doing.

250 summin posts and nobody knows about you or seen anything designed/programmed. Luke (formely lost1) knows a lot more than you...

Actually, I do know him, and have seen plenty of his work, and I have to day he is one of the more knowledgeable programmers here, and I'm sure there is more than me, that can say the same.


Re: [MCCodes V2] - Parse The Parcel - [Re-Programmed]


Im sorry, I missed where they actually gave a crap what you think Luke. If you want it to run better code it yourself and stay the hell out of their threads. Your about as worthless as a zip on someones face. If you MUST post, Try posting something that helps them instead of your worthless post counts. 2008 posts and i bet 2000 are complaining about what someone else is doing.

250 summin posts and nobody knows about you or seen anything designed/programmed. Luke (formely lost1) knows a lot more than you...

I dont have to have a 2000 post count to be smart. And i promise you.. i mean PROMISE you. More people know me or of me, than any of you on here. I can list 100+ games that got started with my help. Anytime you want a list, Please ask ill be sure to post the list. I was doing this while you was reading your bedtime stories. I was a Admin for Torn City, Criminal Country, Metro Wars, Im close friends to most of the owners of the larger games. Now PLEASE show me POG1 what you have done? Or even what the LostOne has done. Im the Editor for Top Web Games, Im the ONE that approved all your games that are on here.. So am i a nobody? So piss off.

Guest Anonymous

Re: [MCCodes V2] - Parse The Parcel - [Re-Programmed]

If you think you are "big" then so be it ...

Personally I don't care for your tone - I accept your merits as read however, and I for one will accept LostOne's skills over almost all here.

If you really want a slanging match - take it elsewhere, neither I nor my peers are in the slightest bit interested.


Re: [MCCodes V2] - Parse The Parcel - [Re-Programmed]

This is coming from someone that was willing to "Exploit" a game and holds a Site Admin title tisk tisk. Im no where near scared of you or your title. I have spoken to md numerous times about how CE is going. Your just another name on a screen. I defend the value of peoples work, And you challenge me over it. Well if you want me to shut up then ban me, It isnt hard. Its a little button that says "Ban User" im sure thats what it says. OHHH thats right these forums are based on FREEDOM of speech or have you Nyna taken that? I mean your telling to me take it else where, When NORMALLY you would move it to the Battle Area.. Ohhhh wait, Your "boy" LostOne is in it.. Cant have that...

From what i see on this, I have seen posted more than 5 times as harsh as mine was, However you kept that mouth shut on those, But when someone blasts "LostOne" you step right up and take a swing. Well, have at it. As for my tone? Im far from giving anyone attitude on here. I was asked what i had done, I stated it, Now whats your complaint?

Guest Anonymous

Was: [MCCodes V2] - Parse The Parcel - [Re-Programmed] ...

Well had you taken the time to read my post you would have seen that I actually commented in a positive way with regard to you knowledge.

Site Admin .. I'm sure being a very early member of CE you will have realized .. means little here -- it's a name that's all - I have highly limited control and yes, while I can ban people I see no need UNLESS they violate the terms and conditions as stated AND I get irritated. Yes, I don't always adhere to the letter of the law - I pick and choose. I have no time to read every post and check for malcontent, misuse of language, grammatical or spelling errors. If I see something which offends my delicate nature and can be considered not in the spirit of general discussion, it is my prerogative to step in.

L1 is somebody I consider a friend and happens to be somebody that I am willing to spend time with in an effort to develop both our skills. I see nothing in our relationship which is any of your business, good bad or indifferent.

Freedom of speech .. lmao .. you jest. Oh my I can see where this is going to end up again ... Not only do I have no control over what is said here, the site owner takes little or no apparent control, so basically if I see something which oversteps the mark, I'm liable to step in. A few of the other moderators refer to me in certain cases and I have no qualms about dealing with their issue where and when appropriate.

At no point have I ever challenged you, I only query your tone.

I'd look through your posts to see at what level you have been harsh in the past, but frankly, I've got better things to do. If you don't like my tone, then perhaps you should consider using the ignore button or given your long standing status perhaps a word on md's ear would suffice to get my privilege level reduced to mere script kiddie.

Personally, I care little, I'm not here to make friends, I've found a few good people who are capable of following a train of thought, and if that offends your palette, I can only apologize, and suggest that perhaps a different environment would suit you.

I've seen what CE is capable of, there are some excellent minds here, heck, I've even taken on a few members as staff in a number of small environments and have a couple more in mind, yet as the "big bad bish" of CE I enjoy the privileged position of being disliked many. So be it. If people are not willing to ... etc etc .. this is neither the place nor the time for this argument.

And unless you can come up with a solid foundation to your argument, backed up by legal server-side log files I suggest you be careful with your statements. I am in fact employed by a number of site owners as a consultant with the specific remit to attempt to exploit their system in an effort to lock down any existing problems.

At no point have I ever exploited a system without the owners specific request however I do believe in a little fun from time to time -- akin to "oo look -- an open system ... " as a plain "fun" comment intended to raise awareness of the issues etc. If you (think) you have proof otherwise, please PM me, I shall be glad to pass on my legal representative's details to you.

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