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Re: Sent Messages, and all


if you want help YOU need to put more effert in........Im NOT signing up to your game to see an error, You need to take a screen shot or somethin, lol

honestly, grow up, you make your self sound so supperier to everyone else, well your not, you never will be.


Re: Sent Messages, and all


if you want help YOU need to put more effert in........Im NOT signing up to your game to see an error, You need to take a screen shot or somethin, lol

honestly, grow up, you make your self sound so supperier to everyone else, well your not, you never will be.


Reason: Language


Re: Sent Messages, and all


screw you I dont make myself sound better than anymore, If they want help they can put some damn effort forward. and if you dont agree your and damn idiot to and youknow want Ban me from this site **** YOU and **** ALL you stuck fucks who dont know shit.

ye, your **** right... you do need to grow up mate


Re: Sent Messages, and all

if you are using the mailbox that came with mccodes there are some tables that weren't closed properly which could be causing your error


Re: Sent Messages, and all


Tezza is correct, you do come across as trying to be superior to others, but given a second response like so, you only prove yourself to be another person of low intellect, playing the internet hard man act.

So, as Tezza said, grow up, grow some pubes, get an IQ above that of an 11 year old and come back and attempt to prove yourself worthy of a post with some intellect.

Ciao now

Haha, Nice.

Growing some pubes makes you grow up? :-o Damn, That's why I still have the mental age of a 2 year old :(

Back to topic, It's probaly just being aligned to the right.

Find in the code the tables and then find the bit that makes it align to the right and change it to center....That should work..


echo '</table>';

Or that... lol


Re: Sent Messages, and all

Thnx guys! i will try it....And AlabamaHit i am sure that i would never use your code because of you made it!

Thnx guys! Will Try it! And Luke why dont wanna work with v2? Why refuse?

Guest Anonymous

Re: Sent Messages, and all

AH has some skills that you should develop - certainly his programming has improved a lot and he actually takes the time to RT(F)M and experiment. He just gets a little frustrated like a lot of the more experience peeps at CE (with one or two notable exceptions) by people not experimenting by themselves, or not providing (in this case) sufficient information for us to be able to diagnose and suggest a cure to your problems.

As for LostOne AKA Luke (AKA FW :D), I can understand his reluctance to work on V2 -- While it appears to have more features, it is based on the same bug-ridden code as V1(Lite), and given it's size requires a lot more work to secure, lock down, and protect from all the script kiddies out there that have nothing better to do than try and wind some of us up.


Re: Sent Messages, and all


Thnx guys! i will try it....And AlabamaHit i am sure that i would never use your code because of you made it!

Thnx guys! Will Try it! And Luke why dont wanna work with v2? Why refuse?

Im glad I would hate to see good code go to waist........And all i can say is ifyou want help You have to show it...and you didnt show it..


AH has some skills that you should develop - certainly his programming has improved a lot and he actually takes the time to RT(F)M and experiment. He just gets a little frustrated like a lot of the more experience peeps at CE (with one or two notable exceptions) by people not experimenting by themselves, or not providing (in this case) sufficient information for us to be able to diagnose and suggest a cure to your problems.

Thank you Nyna I'm glad that some people here knows how I feel. I just don't want to help someone taht wont help theirself.

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