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Halloffame Playing up


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include "globals.php";
'nodon' => 'AND donatordays=0',
'don' => 'AND donatordays > 0',
'all' => '');
$filter=(isset($filters[$_GET['filter']])) ? $_GET['filter'] : 'all';
$bt1=($filter=="nodon") ? "[b]" : "";
$bet1=($filter=="nodon") ? "[/b]" : "";
$bt2=($filter=="don") ? "[b]" : "";
$bet2=($filter=="don") ? "[/b]" : "";
$bt3=($filter=="all") ? "[b]" : "";
$bet3=($filter=="all") ? "[/b]" : "";
print "<h3>Hall Of Fame</h3><hr />
Filter: [$bt1[url='halloffame.php?action={$_GET[']Non-Donators[/url]$bet1 | $bt2[url='halloffame.php?action={$_GET[']Donators[/url]$bet2 | $bt3[url='halloffame.php?action={$_GET[']All Users[/url]$bet3]<hr />
<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'> <tr> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=level&filter={$filter}']LEVEL[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=money&filter={$filter}']MONEY[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=respect&filter={$filter}']RESPECT[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=crystals&filter={$filter}']CRYSTALS[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=busts&filter={$filter}']Busts[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=total&filter={$filter}']TOTAL STATS[/url]</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=strength&filter={$filter}']STRENGTH[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=agility&filter={$filter}']AGILITY[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=guard&filter={$filter}']GUARD[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=labour&filter={$filter}']LABOUR[/url]</td> <td>[url='halloffame.php?action=iq&filter={$filter}']IQ[/url]</td> </tr> </table>";
case "level":
case "money":
case "crystals":
case "busts":
case "respect":
case "total":
case "strength":
case "agility":
case "guard":
case "labour":
case "iq":
function hof_level()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest levels

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> <th>Level</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY level DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $userid) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t{$r['level']}$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_money()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest amount of money

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> <th>Money</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY money DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $userid) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t\$".money_formatter($r['money'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_crystals()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest amount of crystals

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> <th>Crystals</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY crystals DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $userid) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t".money_formatter($r['crystals'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_busts()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest amount of Busts

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> <th>Busts</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY busts DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $userid) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t".money_formatter($r['busts'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";

function hof_respect()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid;
print "Showing the 20 gangs with the highest amount of respect

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>Gang</th> <th>Respect</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT * FROM gangs ORDER BY gangRESPECT DESC,gangID ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['gangID'] == $ir['gang']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangNAME']} [{$r['gangID']}]$et</td> <td>$t".money_formatter($r['gangRESPECT'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";

function hof_total()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest total stats

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY (us.strength+us.agility+us.guard+us.labour+us.IQ) DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_strength()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest strength

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY us.strength DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_agility()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest agility

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY us.agility DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_guard()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest guard

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY us.guard DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_labour()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest labour

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY us.labour DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";
function hof_iq()
global $db,$ir,$c,$userid, $myf;
print "Showing the 20 users with the highest IQ

<table width=75% cellspacing=1 class='table'><tr style='background:gray'> <th>Pos</th> <th>User</th> </tr>";
$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN userstats us ON u.userid=us.userid LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY us.IQ DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $ir['userid']) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> </tr>";
print "</table>";

I just tryed adding busts to halloffame and it worked sort of but every it says for everyone they have 17 busts when they have 0

Pos User Busts

1 The_Legend [1] 17

2 Sniper2k8 [2] 17

3 lambo_68 [4] 17

4 cole32 [5] 17

5 kingpin [7] 17

6 MR_BEAN_LADEN [8] 17

7 kalador [9] 17

8 Terry [10] 17

9 Zagger [12] 17

10 Kiss [13] 17

11 HandOfBlood [14] 17

12 Kaisha [15] 17

13 gearsofwar2 [16] 17

14 Dante [18] 17

15 dodgeydom [21] 17

16 -bpg- [23] 17

17 Blaze [24] 17

18 TheHeadliner [25] 17

19 cobra [26] 17

20 blaz [27] 17

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Re: Halloffame Playing up

You must have misunderstood...

Don't take it ALL off...

in that last part use {$r['busts']}

here do this..

find this line


print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t".money_formatter($r['busts'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";


change it to this..


print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} {$r['username']} [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>".$r['busts']."</td> </tr>";
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Re: Halloffame Playing up

i get same

1 The_Legend [1] 21

2 Sniper2k8 [2] 21

3 lambo_68 [4] 21

4 cole32 [5] 21

5 kingpin [7] 21

6 MR_BEAN_LADEN [8] 21

7 kalador [9] 21

8 Terry [10] 21

9 Zagger [12] 21

10 Kiss [13] 21

11 HandOfBlood [14] 21

12 Kaisha [15] 21

13 gearsofwar2 [16] 21

14 Dante [18] 21

15 dodgeydom [21] 21

16 -bpg- [23] 21

17 Blaze [24] 21

18 TheHeadliner [25] 21

19 cobra [26] 21

20 blaz [27] 21

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Re: Halloffame Playing up

Are you by chance the only one with busts? Maybe its only useing yours cuase no one has 1?...this is weird problem....


Wait I think i found it.........

Look at your main query...


$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY busts DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");


try this..


$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY u.busts DESC,u.userid ASC LIMIT 20");


Notice the end wehre i put the u. for users table, looks like you just forgot to put that in.

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Re: Halloffame Playing up

still says

1 The_Legend [1] 24

2 Sniper2k8 [2] 24

3 lambo_68 [4] 24

4 cole32 [5] 24

5 kingpin [7] 24

6 MR_BEAN_LADEN [8] 24

7 kalador [9] 24

8 Terry [10] 24

9 Zagger [12] 24

10 Kiss [13] 24

11 HandOfBlood [14] 24

12 Kaisha [15] 24

13 gearsofwar2 [16] 24

14 Dante [18] 24

15 dodgeydom [21] 24

16 -bpg- [23] 24

17 Blaze [24] 24

18 TheHeadliner [25] 24

19 cobra [26] 24

20 blaz [27] 24

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Re: Halloffame Playing up


$q=$db->query("SELECT u.*,g.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN gangs g ON g.gangID=u.gang WHERE u.user_level != 0 $myf ORDER BY busts DESC,userid ASC LIMIT 20");
if($r['userid'] == $userid) { $t="[b]";$et="[/b]"; } else { $t="";$et=""; }
print "<tr> <td>$t$p$et</td> <td>$t{$r['gangPREF']} [url='viewuser.php?u={$r[']{$r['username']}[/url] [{$r['userid']}]$et</td> <td>$t".money_formatter($r['busts'],'')."$et</td> </tr>";
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