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Jailbust How Do I..


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How Do I Make It Take Energy As All It Says Is That I Need Full Energy Please Can Someone Tell Me Code Cheers

include "globals.php";
if($ir['energy'] < 10)
 die("Sorry, it costs 10 energy to bust someone. You only have {$ir['energy']} energy. Come back later.");
 die("You cannot bust out people while in jail.");
$_GET['ID']=abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$r=$db->fetch_row($db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid={$_GET['ID']}"));
 die("Invalid user");
 die("That user is not in jail!");
$chance=min(($ir['crimexp']/$mult)*50+1, 95);
if(rand(1,100) < $chance)
 print "You successfully busted {$r['username']} out of jail.

 > [url='jail.php']Back[/url]";
 $db->query("UPDATE users SET crimexp=crimexp+{$gain} WHERE userid=$userid");
 $db->query("UPDATE users SET jail=0 WHERE userid={$r['userid']}");
 $db->query("UPDATE users SET busts=busts+1");
 event_add($r['userid'], "[url='viewuser.php?u={$ir[']{$ir['username']}[/url] busted you out of jail.", $c);
 print "While trying to bust out your friend, a guard spotted you and dragged you into jail yourself. Unlucky!

 > [url='jail.php']Back[/url]";
 $time=min($mult, 20);
 $db->query("UPDATE users SET jail=$time, jail_reason='Caught trying to bust out {$r['username']}' WHERE userid=$userid");
 event_add($r['userid'], "[url='viewuser.php?u={$ir[']{$ir['username']}[/url] was caught trying to bust you out of jail.", $c);
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Re: Jailbust How Do I..

I dont call what i do spamming.. I call it "Calling Out", bS people who just wants someeone to do something for them rather then them learning.

Now what I call spamming is a guy that has OVER 1000 POST and still cant do ANYTHING himself.

I don't mind helping people. NOTICE THE WORD HELP

I DONT like doing stuff for poeple and the way you go about stuff is stupid. You try to get people to DO stuff for you and when they give you a link that showed and explained it to them, you just say you dont understand. I bet you dont open the page to look at it, and if you do. and dont understand You dont need a game, cause you will never have any knowledge of PHP.

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Re: Jailbust How Do I..


im going to stop replying to these silly topics and like other people say i like learning off other people instead off reading

Finally logic.........He admits he is an idiot...


well wasn't that post stupid? just gunna cause an argument now....

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